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BTW, the latest poll numbers has Trump over Raffy by 16 points in the crucial Indiana vote...the runaway train is still chugging on...interestingly, I have seen no mention to the Demo race...why is that?...actually is a much closer contest...finally found it...Clinton by 4 points over Sanders...
No match was the debacle in San Antone...OKC put up a dreadful effort in their humiliating loss to the Spurs...and, gulp...yup, I am eating me words...Aldridge played terrifically...have to think a lot of credit goes to Pop and his change LA to be a complete player...sure appears that it will be a SA/GS final set in the west...right?...
Hold da phone...did I hear this right?...the Pads beat the Bums in LA...twice now? the Dodgers have lost 6 in a row...holy moly...I gave our boyz a 1% chance of winning ONE game there...go figure...we go for the sweep today against Clayton Kershaw...ha ha...shirley, wait, surely, we have no chance of beating grateful that we got 2 ain't gonna happen today...sorry, kids...
2 weeks until the Member/Guest T out at much fun, as my guest is my son...we dress alike...and hopefully play decent enough to get in the $...well, he has to score real I am like a box of never know what you're gonna get...thanks Forrest, for the line...I have 4 times to practice up...
If you haven't been to a Blake Shelton concert you are a missing person...what? HAVE to purchase his greatest hits is that good...even if you are not a country music WILL get hooked...why would I lie to you?...
You know I have talked about the speech that the Donald made up north in Costa the media covered the 65 protesters more than anything else...well...Trump had to enter the arena by a back door...go thru an alternate freeway entrance...and then boasted, " now I see what it's like to cross the border"...hmmm, that is if there isn't a 15 foot wall to ascend and descend...ha ha...
Do you know anyone, I mean ANYONE that believes in the poli-ticks SUPER PACS?...the blasphemous way to hide any money given to a candy man or woman...if you do, you know someone in the elite status...none I know...
Blazer/Warrior game today...these are two fav teams of the league...just can't go wrong...either way...however...GS is a better team...and should win...might take 6 or 7 games...might...especially if Curry doesn't play...but...I know nuttin...
House hunting...yes...we went out to Kensington again yesterday...that is where we would like to nest...hmmm...tried some other neighborhoods, too...nope...the plan is to put our condo up for sale in a couple of we go....I think we have to scour Solana Beach, first...
I may be wrong, but I think Kelly Ripa is not a nice person...too big for her britches...
How on earth did the Jenner girl get an invite to the White House dinner?...what?...
Lost of talk about GMA swallowing up the "Live with Kelly" time slot....
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha....
The golf T in Loosiana, there has to be huge bugs in the area, right?...
This out of Chi-town...Starbucks is being sued $5 mill for having too much ice...
In their iced drinks...what?...some lawyer is licking his lips for sure...
Obama out...