Hidden Trick
So, my good friends...you put your mark on your person for the next President of the US...and in good conscience feel that you have done your duty to figure out the best one for the job...our leader...your vote counts as much as the person next to you...the results are binding...you either are euphoric or are left scratching your head...
Wait a minute...behind the scenes there is another thing brewing...a little know tidbit that the parties know, that maybe you don't...it is called the Super Delegate...put in place, just in case...that...YOU...the common man or woman...screwed up...SCREWED UP!...and chose the wrong candidate...what?...
Roughly a sixth of all delegates in the Demos are these types...party leaders, governors, US Senators, US Reps, and the bulk of the rest, elected members of the DNC...4,736 of them...put in place just in case...that YOU didn't get the right one...already, there is a high % that have selected Hillary as their choice...you got that right...prior to any state's common man and woman doing their voting...hmmm...
You pissed off yet?...this was put into place to do the check and balance system...or to rig a race...what?...now, this is just the Demo side...the Repubs have the same type of one...except there are fewer Super Delegates...it's more of a factor on the donkey side...
Go online and check it out...some states are bound by their voting results...some are not...think that Bernie Sanders has a long, rough road ahead of him?...you bet...it will take a revolution to change what is already established...
Let alone, the antiquated Electoral College is still in place for the final election of the Prez...just in case, you, yes YOU...have done the unthinkable...picked the wrong person...in the eyes of the select few that are picking FOR YOU!...well, you AND they, obviously, can't be trusted...
Yes, my good friends...we need to step up...and make changes...a revolution is in the works...to better this process of a DEMOCRATIC way of voting...really?...instead of the elitists making the selection FOR US!...
I rest my case...
BTW...two more have bit the dust...Chris Christie and Carly Fiarina...and the choices narrow...smile...
Wait a minute...behind the scenes there is another thing brewing...a little know tidbit that the parties know, that maybe you don't...it is called the Super Delegate...put in place, just in case...that...YOU...the common man or woman...screwed up...SCREWED UP!...and chose the wrong candidate...what?...
Roughly a sixth of all delegates in the Demos are these types...party leaders, governors, US Senators, US Reps, and the bulk of the rest, elected members of the DNC...4,736 of them...put in place just in case...that YOU didn't get the right one...already, there is a high % that have selected Hillary as their choice...you got that right...prior to any state's common man and woman doing their voting...hmmm...
You pissed off yet?...this was put into place to do the check and balance system...or to rig a race...what?...now, this is just the Demo side...the Repubs have the same type of one...except there are fewer Super Delegates...it's more of a factor on the donkey side...
Go online and check it out...some states are bound by their voting results...some are not...think that Bernie Sanders has a long, rough road ahead of him?...you bet...it will take a revolution to change what is already established...
Let alone, the antiquated Electoral College is still in place for the final election of the Prez...just in case, you, yes YOU...have done the unthinkable...picked the wrong person...in the eyes of the select few that are picking FOR YOU!...well, you AND they, obviously, can't be trusted...
Yes, my good friends...we need to step up...and make changes...a revolution is in the works...to better this process of a DEMOCRATIC way of voting...really?...instead of the elitists making the selection FOR US!...
I rest my case...
BTW...two more have bit the dust...Chris Christie and Carly Fiarina...and the choices narrow...smile...