Heat Wave

The Grammy's...not as bad as in the past...how about that for an opener...am thinking that there is not enough really good tunes put out anymore...there has been a fad of doing more performing than actually singing...that some of the "stars" lypsinc their hits and all...I prefer the stand around the mike and sing...harmonize...suppose that lead to my digging on the country sound...hey, throw in the feud that Taylor and Kanye have...egads...totally think the has the grounds to say anything she wants about that "prez wannabe"...remember that?...he's a piece...
NBA...more...this is the time that the pundits throw out the trade rumors...the teams in the hunt, try to buy some guys to make them better....the teams out of it, move their guys before they lose them to free agency...seems like the Love kid out of Cleveland is the main topic...and anyone from Atlanta...the surprise of them all, is Blake Griffin from the Clip Show...hmmm...now THAT could get interesting...
It's a 2 day debate and town hall for the Repubs...starts tomorrow...egads, I don't have the stomach for the back and forth crap they will be flinging...might just have to watch the lowlights..."liar"...count the times the word is used...hey...and the news from the Demo side of things...that Bernie is dang close in Nevada...the DNC is trying to hide this...ha ha...fat chance...
Tried to watch the Bachelor last eve....nope...it's off my auto record...just not interested...me thinks that this series has run it's course...at least for moi...
Am heading out to the club for an 18 holer...gonna bring my old, new, reshafted driver...hmmm...and a 52-56 wedge...a gap missing...tinkering, my good friends...
I liked Ms. Swift better when she was country...