Who'll Stop The Rain?

Raining 3's...that's just what the Warriors did to the Lake Show...who were minus Kobe and their top draft pick, the disappointing Russell kid out of Ohio St...not real sure that LA isn't better without 'em...there is nuttin they could do, to stop GS...way too good...Klay Thompson...son of the once famous Blazer, Mychal...scored 22...in the 1st quarter!...at least...bombs away!...
Unfortunately, that is what the evil empire of North Korea did...allegedly...tested their hydrogen bomb...who does that nowadays?...their leader is a scary young fool, Kim Jong-un...who is trying to show the world he is a great one...in a country that barely can exist to feed and heat their people...but thrives on putting all his $ in the military and his well being...stay real close to this story...
Stirring the pot...as some peops reacted to my notion of us moving to another area...calm down, kids...it's not for awhile...it would be hard to leave paradise...San Diego is amazing...but we get the itch and got to scratch...here's the deal...we probably will lease in another site for like 6 months to see if it's what we want...I am not ruling out Maui, too...how about that for extremes, New York or Hawaii?...
You want your fulfillment of the pretty people?...I mean other than us...Hollywood goes at it tonight...the Golden Globes...ah yes...the red carpet...and the first step to the Oscars...usually given to the most mundane of all movies...and "stars" that make the films click...almost all serious type...dramas...never comedies...oh well, it's still interesting, I suppose...I'll tape it and watch it for a while.....here's a thing...how many of the K Fam will be there?...and how many will be presenters?...you know, we are talking the West Coast Camelot...
Whatever happened to Brian Dunkleman?...