The Newest Year
2016...and so we is this one going to fair?...what trials and tribulations are on the horizon?...some obvious ones...probably no greater than who we elect as our next Prez...sure, other things are important...and will be dependent on that person...the normal, albeit awful, the way terror is handled...the list goes on...but the day...that Horse looks back at...2015...the good, bad, and ugly...this time I have no 10-1...
The Donald...since it started so early...we have to include it in this year...I've been asking my Repub golf mates for a couple of years, who's your candy man going to be?...they complain about Prez O mercilessly....and out of the pack of maybe's came Donald Trump...without a doubt, the biggest story of the year...there is no, I'm not saying he will win...but...I have never seen the likes of his every word shown....EVERYWHERE!...and the people want to see him...hmmm...with his poll numbers of approval rocketing, it is hard to imagine a different bloke overtaking him... particular...ISIS...who have their path of hatred triggered to spark most anywhere...and have just enough knot heads in the world that will do what the "leaders" want them to do...kill..anyone...they have changed the way that the world deals with this...look for more collaboration of the affected countries in this new year...and by the way, all countries are affected...
The demise of the written word on paper...more and more peops are not getting their news from the local newspaper...the thing that was delivered to your doorstep every are now turning on the pixels...or popping on the web net and reading it...I know I have 10 sources I use prior to writing everyday...and yup, we still have the Trib delivered...but, just like on my floor...where there are 8 units, only 2 of us get the that indicative?...I reckon so...
Music...of any kind...this is the year of the download...if an artist comes out with new's near impossible to find a store that even sells CD's...for the most part, one has to go to a service like iTunes...and download the music to your computer...then hear it by streaming...gone are the days where you just pop and drop a disc in your car and off you go...better?...nope... a field of sports...and most of 'em...have found that there has not been enough protection for the head...the biggest culprit has to be football...the archaic, barbaric, and loathsome battle of big guys...where the deal is to smash one's our modern day gladiator sport...and yes, guys are getting their heads smashed...the elite are trying to protect the players...hmmm...what's the excuse in boxing or anything in the ring?...
Body Manipulations...ha KNEW I was going to list this...used to be, one worked out to get desired affects of the NEW you...ha ha...not this our new model of imperfection of a Ozzie and Harriet Nelson of the 50's...the K Fam...have their way...getting new puffy lips..bigger boobs...and the craze of 2015, butt heard me right...and changed some average looking girls to some model types that many of the US want to emulate...shoot, worked so well, the guy turned gal, Caitlyn, followed suit...imagine the Dr bill for them...
Chargers...big the NFL Pro team from this area have finally got their wanted bolt from here to LA...actually to Carson...and the ongoing battle of the owners and the locals have been highly publicized...seems like there are countless votes by the league's owners to "allow" the move...or removal...people here have burned their Charger gear already...
Pro athlete's $...if you have been watching the exorbitant wages that these guys are getting for what they do...millions of bucks for playing a game...this year is the worst...or best...depends on what side you are on...but look at the price of a tix to watch the game...somebody has to pay for these crazy, high's you and me...
There you's what I witnessed for the past year...really...I thank you all for following me...I love writing...and it starts my day off well...have a cup or two of coffee...or a lot...and let my mind wander...and hopefully, it intrigues you...or makes you smile...or gets you going...
What do I see in the future? you, I hope there is a collar on this mess, called ISIS...the world needs that...and...we all have happy days ahead...
Thank you all for making my day... cool to see so many people's pix on Facebook for their "Happy New Year"...
The Donald...since it started so early...we have to include it in this year...I've been asking my Repub golf mates for a couple of years, who's your candy man going to be?...they complain about Prez O mercilessly....and out of the pack of maybe's came Donald Trump...without a doubt, the biggest story of the year...there is no, I'm not saying he will win...but...I have never seen the likes of his every word shown....EVERYWHERE!...and the people want to see him...hmmm...with his poll numbers of approval rocketing, it is hard to imagine a different bloke overtaking him... particular...ISIS...who have their path of hatred triggered to spark most anywhere...and have just enough knot heads in the world that will do what the "leaders" want them to do...kill..anyone...they have changed the way that the world deals with this...look for more collaboration of the affected countries in this new year...and by the way, all countries are affected...
The demise of the written word on paper...more and more peops are not getting their news from the local newspaper...the thing that was delivered to your doorstep every are now turning on the pixels...or popping on the web net and reading it...I know I have 10 sources I use prior to writing everyday...and yup, we still have the Trib delivered...but, just like on my floor...where there are 8 units, only 2 of us get the that indicative?...I reckon so...
Music...of any kind...this is the year of the download...if an artist comes out with new's near impossible to find a store that even sells CD's...for the most part, one has to go to a service like iTunes...and download the music to your computer...then hear it by streaming...gone are the days where you just pop and drop a disc in your car and off you go...better?...nope... a field of sports...and most of 'em...have found that there has not been enough protection for the head...the biggest culprit has to be football...the archaic, barbaric, and loathsome battle of big guys...where the deal is to smash one's our modern day gladiator sport...and yes, guys are getting their heads smashed...the elite are trying to protect the players...hmmm...what's the excuse in boxing or anything in the ring?...
Body Manipulations...ha KNEW I was going to list this...used to be, one worked out to get desired affects of the NEW you...ha ha...not this our new model of imperfection of a Ozzie and Harriet Nelson of the 50's...the K Fam...have their way...getting new puffy lips..bigger boobs...and the craze of 2015, butt heard me right...and changed some average looking girls to some model types that many of the US want to emulate...shoot, worked so well, the guy turned gal, Caitlyn, followed suit...imagine the Dr bill for them...
Chargers...big the NFL Pro team from this area have finally got their wanted bolt from here to LA...actually to Carson...and the ongoing battle of the owners and the locals have been highly publicized...seems like there are countless votes by the league's owners to "allow" the move...or removal...people here have burned their Charger gear already...
Pro athlete's $...if you have been watching the exorbitant wages that these guys are getting for what they do...millions of bucks for playing a game...this year is the worst...or best...depends on what side you are on...but look at the price of a tix to watch the game...somebody has to pay for these crazy, high's you and me...
There you's what I witnessed for the past year...really...I thank you all for following me...I love writing...and it starts my day off well...have a cup or two of coffee...or a lot...and let my mind wander...and hopefully, it intrigues you...or makes you smile...or gets you going...
What do I see in the future? you, I hope there is a collar on this mess, called ISIS...the world needs that...and...we all have happy days ahead...
Thank you all for making my day... cool to see so many people's pix on Facebook for their "Happy New Year"...