One Of These Nights

Staying morbid...a report out of Google News that over 19,000 civilians were murdered in the past year in Iraq...get that,'s a scary time we live in, kids...I'm not lying to thankful for what you have and where you live...
Is it just me, or are there more incidents of racial tension in the US lately?...the horrendous drinking water fiasco in Flint, Michigan...the deadly shootings by a number of places...even, the lack of diversity in the Oscar candidates...wait a minute, that seems like the least of the real problems...but if you in fact do have potential stress of the people, it is the little things that trigger the bigger things...I dunno...
The highly anticipated matchup of the East vs the West in the NBA...LeBron and his Cavs, pitted, at home, versus Curry and his Warriors...ah mas...a blow out from the first 2 minutes...really? Golden St is far far far better...up by 40 most of the way...and Curry and his starters didn't even play in the 4th Q...the game has HAVE to hit the 3 ball to be in the upper most echelon...
Interesting Tweet last Reba and Kix Brooks were (together?) at a Madonna concert in the south...somewhere...didn't look like they had great seats....could have been like in those luxury box types...and kept long they had to did all the "fans" for the lady to start her show...almost 3 hours?...really?...I'd rather have a .....than be stuck in an arena waiting for her sorry act to perform...fill in the blank...
OK...the Pads did lose their star hitter, Justin Upton...finally...he signed for 6 years and $132.7 million...oh the Detroit Tigers...these kids keep making way too much $ know, when these politicians talk about the ultra rich and the ultra poor...guess who now qualifies?...
Super Pac's...the root of all evil in our political system?...where the lobbyists can hide who they give their $ to...endorsed by your Supreme Court...hmmm...does this not scare you just a bit?...look at the amount of cash that Rafael (Ted) Cruz has already got in his account...from whom?...can you spell...conservative?...let's see, he is from Texas (well, now, he is) and who is also from there? it the Koch Bros?...just a hypothesis...
You want your wagering story for the day?...there was this dude...who bet $5 on a 15 game Vegas...hit the first 14 games...geez...and was dependent on the newly crowned number one college hoops team in the land, win at Iowa St...last would pay him $192,000+...and guess what?...the Sooners are no longer the top team...they did the much did he win for getting 14/15?...the same I got when I hit 4/5 in the Pick 5...nuttin, nada, zero. zilch, 0...just the fact that it could have been...duh...
My friend from way up north texted me that he just loves Downton Abbey...I keep telling you kids is a great great great show...if you haven't yet, you must get aboard...start from the Horse...
Finally, I had over a 100 reads yesterday...this is in unchartered waters...I really appreciate the look makes me feel so good...I hope you like what I write...or, even get you going, a don't have to agree with me...tell me so...and pass me on, I'd like that too...I get no money for's just a thing that older people, like me...can
You, yes YOU, have a great day...