Mocha Mania Monday
Downton Abbey did not disappoint...the 1st installment led us to believe that the aristocracy just might be coming to an end...this is set in 1925...91 years ago...wowser...seems more like a fantasy land...and it was, for the rich...I keep telling you yourself the 1st series and start from can watch it in a, too, will be hooked...
WE, here, in the southland, have a full week of the wet stuff...really...which will put me golf game on the table...have done that for years, play in the rain...will not do that ever again...too many days, that I don't have many of the blokes around here love it, absolutely LOVE THE RAIN!...egads, really? bueno...but as they always say, "we need it"...
The NFL regular season is finally over...thank goodness...and the Bolts are through...and gone...well...the league has to vote to make it a week, I think...I told my buddy, Andy...quit watching's like watching Daffy Duck...too frustrating, I tell ya...and them pink slips?...Cleveland's guy...SF's guy...and who else today?...
You ever heard of Blue Apron?'s a service that will send you meals for a week or two...comes in a box...and has it all...the meats, the veggies, and the recipes...they do all the shopping...and there you go...seems too good to be true...also, kind of looks to be affordable...have any of you out there tried it?...I think we are...they keep sending me info...and the stuff looks great...hmmm....I'll let you know...
Imagine you are Alec Baldwin for a moment...that's long enough...and your daughter told you that she is dating the Bieb...oh my...could it be worse?...I mean, c'mon...maybe a quick call to the Soprano's for a house call is in order....
Hilz unleashed her hubby, Slick Willy, on the voters...with hopes of getting huge crowds...he is a wonderful counter, the Donald, has done his first...a pixel think it's not those two in the running for the next Prez?...hmmm...
Dang, have to find my umbrella again...I don't have my huge Titelist one anymore...left it in the big 8 years ago....
Man the boats...and off to Starbucks we paddle...