Monday Fully Caffeinated

Stress...mostly self imposed, it was my take down...don't get me wrong here... I loved what I did...I stressed as much in the class room as the basketball always had to be I came in highly prepared...hey all teachers do just was taking a toll on me...that's outlet was the sports...and get this, TV sitcoms...well, and an occasional Jim Beam...
"Hootchie Mama"...yup, I was a Seinfeld nut...BTW, I had no idea what that phrase was or was just, I know...ha was said a couple of times...Frank C used it...and I swear Kramer did, too...anyway...Cosmo was my soul survivor...I would belly laugh when he would show up...and talk and do his slap stick schtick...
I even had a tee shirt with his pix on know, the framed one..."the Kramer" do know, he was always giving whomever...and he was NEVER RIGHT!...I would cackle...still do...and to this day, if I need a mental getaway, I'll watch some Seinfeld...
Not so funny was the tragedy in Vegas...where a lady went on a rampage yesterday...drove her car into crowds of people...killing one and injuring like 37 others...they were just walking the strip...the LV police say it was not a "terrorist act" was a terror like act...they caught the killer a few blocks away...and get this, she had a 3 year old in her car...OMG!...stay tuned for this one...
One of the shows I watch on a regular basis is at 4 o'clock in the afternoon...Family Feud...hosted by Steve Harvey...who I also think is funnier than heck...that's the setup...he just got through hosting the Miss Universe know, the show, that was taken away from the Donald last year...oh my...anyway, Steve made the biggest gaffe one can...he announced the wrong winner...geez...cleared it up...but oh my...
Reminded me of back in my high school days...when they would announce the winners of the rally squad over the intercom system...and yup, shortly after, I was in the hallway outside of the main office...and the gals were jumping up and down...not so fast...they announced the wrong name of one of 'em...I thought how know, I have never ever talked about this before...hmmm...
The was the last day for the Chargers to play a game in San Diego yesterday...and they actually played well and won...kind of some of the players took it, the All Star, Weddle...who after most people left the Q, just laid down in the middle of the field and took it all in...for the last time...I want to say much worse things than this...but screw the ownership of the Bolts...greedy bastards...
And...I have been talking a lot about the lack of quality officiating in the where worse than in the NY Giants/Carolina Panther game...where the oft mentioned best wideout Odell away with punching his opponent...and then hit him another time with his helmet...and nary a flag was thrown...either time...he should have been tossed...and then fined and was brutal and an embarrassment to the league...make that, another one...
Whew...the Repubs just sighed a big one...the candy man, Lindsey Graham, announced he is dropping out of the race...remember, he was the dude who wanted W back...oh me oh my....c'mon Carly, follow suit...
Wow!...GMA's weather gal....worked up til last Friday...and gave birth on Sunday!...Ginger Zee...hey, I never knew her name...congrats...and well, wow!...
Well leg issue is gone...I'm feeling dang good...and I am thinking that the golf world is about to get the Horse back into it...