I Promise...

If you watch the CNN Series of the Sixties and the Seventies...BTW, they are absolutely awesome!...you would find that all candy men and candy women pretty much say the same things...every single campaign...even way back then...

Kind of starts with, "I promise"...and then it gets lost in rhetoric...and then...we finally get a bloke who is out of the good old boy and girl political field...and lordy, he will say almost anything...and we get a bit unearthed...does he mean what he says?...

Is this the path of the new politics?...people that are not made out of the same cookie cutter?...it's not that Trump hasn't wanted the job...he started his feelers back in '88...part of the Ross Perot Reform Party...which fell flat on it's bloody ears...and realized to get it...he had to be part of the mainstream...had to be a Repub or Demo...

And here we go...the Repubs are shaking in their tree...they want a Prez...but at what cost?...their inner values would be stretched if it were the Donald at the top of the ticket...and if it be true, that he won't take their lobbyists moolah, how are they to control him?...it is, as one says, a sticky wicket...

So there you go...the people...and the countless polls have him up by at least 20 points...they keep trying to find one that doesn't...and if there is glitch...I'm not sure it's not coming from the Repubs, rather than the Demos, to point it out to the world...they want to find a trend that he is falling from the pedestal...just listen to the pundits who are trying to make Cruz and Rubio the real race...I mean, THE REAL RACE!...

To be absolutely fair about this...the other side has been tame...yes, I know the pundits are trying real hard to find issues between Bernie and Hilz...however, they are both on party lines...they stick to what that segment of the USA stands for...er, I think...and you could throw a blanket over the two and come out with one set of singular thoughts...which for every demo out there, is a good thing...I reckon...

OK, we are always trying to find the biggest and best stories of the year...most are of the real negative...who was killed..and by whom...think about our news sources...99% about what happened bad the day before...and now, the annual overview...it will be the top ten...bad things...mark my words...

In lieu of that...why can't we find the good things that our country has done?...the top 10 best and beautiful things?...I bet you can't even find ten things that the pixels, the web net, or the written word has even talked about...for the ENTIRE YEAR!...am I wrong?..

I suppose that is why I turn so much to the field of sports...where you can dwell on either side...the pos or the neg...pick a team and root...it will bring you elation...but shoot, don't waste your time about why your team lost...embrace the fact that it is good...

The moral of this blog today?...find something good to talk about...get into it...turn your frown upside down...you'll be surprised how the people around you will light up, too...

Happy Holidays...


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