And the Winner Is

Did you watch the 3 headed Demos Debate last nite?...New Hampshire...well was tame in comparison to the multi-faceted one that the Repubs have...right? fact, the similarities that the donkey brigade let loose on, were just that...really, I found it kind of boring...

I do feel that both of the best, Bernie and Hilz, seemed that I mean, they carried themselves well...and had an air about them, that seemed above the normal politician...I know...that is way general...and lacks facts...and we are all about..."just the facts, mam..."

If you look at the web net, you will get confused as to the "winner"...the youth want the elder statesman...the pundits and DNC folk want less than a couple of months, we will see who gets the people who count...those who actually side light...the only Repub mentioned was the Donald...hmmm...draw from that what you want...


Remember this?...been awhile since you have heard from some long lost "friends" get a call out of the blue..."let's get together"...this is a couples thinger...and you have been invited to a small gathering of to fill out an interesting MUST be the interesting pair, right?...

You feel like you'd like to see your old amigos, and agree to the is to be a social gathering...with drinks and hor's d'oeuvres...can't be that bad...and you go ahead and schedule the block of time out...put on your best meet and greet giddyup ...and off you go...

You arrive at the old friends house...right on time...OK, right now my good readers, this is NOT a joke...seems like one, I know...and are welcomed in by your long lost far so good...there are two other couples there to meet...hmmm...wait a minute...aren't these the damned Baptists that I abandoned a while back?...they all have these painted on smiles, er grins...on their faces...yup, them bastards have cornered us...

Nope...not that...whew!...they introduce themselves as people from the 'hood...and I get other thoughts...damn...Marsh has set up an intervention!...they are going to unload the demonized side of the drink...and how I have gone down the wrong, path...wait, they are offering us booze...whew, can't be that...they all seem nice...hmmm...

The chitchat is mild and almost pleasant...ah ha...I have mini mind is a working...I''m trying hard to figure this's a wife swapping club!...wait, I look at the women way...get my mind out of the gutter...the dresses are like from the 50's...and the dudes are well, let's just say I need another drink...FAST!...

We sit and talk...about nuttin for the most part...and then it hits me...they talk about goal they are making themselves better...getting new cars, traveling all over the map, buying new homes...and on and on...

Then...they bring out this bloody easel and dry erase board...and they start to write down what they did...their own things that they have accomplished...and as they do that, the others bob up and down their heads in unison...and ask us to write down our goals...our BUCKET LIST!...oh my...

"You, too, can have all these things that you wrote down...if you do what we do" it selling Amway...OMG!...we have been's the pyramid scheme from do we get outta here?...we came to this, out of the goodness of our hearts...thought we were reestablishing an old friendship...and they were taking advantage of us...and those thoughts...

Have you gone thru this?...egads, BTW, we have been hit up two other times for the same shenanigans...and...these are not my friends...anymore...had to have been a reason in the 1st place...

Now, this is the Christmas mood, Horse has put you in...I'm sorry...but, as George Costanza once so famously said, "I must share"...

3 days until Festivus...for those of you who an alternative to...well, you know..."for the rest of us"...ha ha, that's NOT ME!


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