Portland Wins

The Blazers kept this one close...and in the last Q, showed that they had something that the over rated Clips didn't...some one who could hit big shots...step up D Lillard...who can...and then...PG CPIII did his fade act...kudos to the home team...
The LA previous opponent, the hottest team in the league...the Warriors...were stung by an all out effort of the team that last beat them in regular season...in Alameda...the pesky and new Bulls...refreshed with a new coach and system...and did what everyone does...play their best against GS...a good thing...alas...the Warriors prevailed...huge 3 balls by H Barnes...and the team play won out again...14 straight...
The bloody war...saw a docu on the horrible ISIS...CNN...scathing report on our administration as it turned out...how we missed the boat on many of the symptoms that are real now...hmmm...me thinks that it would have turned out regardless...lack of intelligence...and you could take that a couple of ways...listen kids...it will take the world to rid the planet of them...
Belgium is in total lockdown...as these parasites are inferring more melee...it's a sad case that we live in...and I am one of those who say we must incapsulate these types...and...quit playing their videos...
You know this...anyway...off I go to the course...another T...and as you also know...I am totally unpredictable...and that's a good thing?...ha ha...fore!
Go Ducks...