Monday Decaf

After the busy Halloween weekend, it's time to settle in to the real calm before the storm...this is officially the pre-season for the Holidays...all of them...

Kansas City wins the World Series in I said yesterday, they were a lock...still in shock over their  starters which included 2 of our rejects...go figure...and the mess the Mets made in their all levels, kids, pressure gets to you...and it sure did to NY...and the Royals were there to cash in...and win it all...good on them...BTW, what manager doesn't hear from his pitching stud that he can finish the job?..."don't take me out!"...damned if you do, damned if you don't...

The plane that went down in the middle east...the Russian know which one...anyway...the experts are saying that external forces took it down...they are saying everything but, that it was shot down...nobody is flying in that area now...duh...

News out of Cocoa Beach, know, where our condo is...a shark bit a woman yesterday...they are out there...and you think I can ever get Marsh in that ocean again?...or me?...scary stuff...real scary...

Apathy...that's the name for the plight of the soon to be departed Chargers...there is talk going around...that when they leave, they should leave the rename themselves something else in Goats...anyway, the Bolts (see?, rhymes with), lost yet that 4 in a row?...don't know nor care...

Fantasy...ah yes...another big opponent had 3 of this starters go down with unfortunate injuries...egads...don't know if I have ever seen something like that before...

This time change is screwing up my system...and for the life of me...why?...why do we go to this?...I like more daylight at the END OF THE DAY, not at the I right or am I right?...

Old man river (not Phillip) keeps right on a rolling...talking Peyton Manning...and his Broncos beat the midwest dahlings, the cheeseheads...them Packers...the battle of the unbeaten...OK, it was in Colorado...still...

When is the next debate?...I have yet to see the new the pollsters ever call you?...right, not me either...

The NBA is in full swing...and the SoCal area is abuzz...the Clips are for real...and the Lake Show is not...the Warriors are terrific...I know, they are is the Kings...(are)...Boogie has an achilles problem, and not his only one...ha ha...there you are caught up on the hoops...

Finally...yes finally...we turned off the AC...and the fresh air feels great...I have 3 days of golf scheduled...get this, the forecast is for rain for the next 2...?...don't you need clouds to produce the wet stuff?...

Bond...James Bond...remember when you could hardly wait to the see the new Bond flick?...there has never been as good as the original, Sean says me...

The CMA's...this week...and is hosted by Brad Paisley and Carrie...I like the duo a lot...and is the best of all of these awards thingers...of course, I like country...and so should you...just kidding...

On the other hand...and I do mean see where the Biebs walked off stage after one song?...what?...1?...maybe that's a good thing...imagine paying $100 a pop and that happens...well, imagine paying $100 a pop to see him...

I rest my case...


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