
And yet again we have a school shooting...of course, it could have been anywhere...where a deranged person takes aim and kills...and maims...for his personal pleasure...I guess...and lives are changed forever...

Why?...there are the incredible gun laws that allow the use of them by most anyone...the country still doesn't have high enough standards for those to own one...blame the NRA and their's beyond shameful...

So, the country has to piece together fixes to the find ways to prevent the flaws...the Prez reacted like he should have...condemning the law of the land on this issue...

Schools all across the nation are I write...again...what would they do in the same situation? can this be prevented?...limit the entry what is at the what cost is enough?...more police protection at the schools...

Tremendous story out of Roseburg...that has yet to get out...where a former military man...charged the shot himself as many as 7 alive...

Another horrific tale of this type...

Other things that are less, much less, important...

Naw, I can't write anything else today...

BREAKING NEWS...the killer had 13 weapons...all purchased legally! point above is substantiated...


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