The Pledge's a sign...that they want to show that he, meaning Trump, will not bolt to a 3rd party, in his effort to become the Prez...think about this, kids...the upper echelon of the GOP has to be furious that the Donald is beating up all their wannabes...and they may have to succumb to him...and his wayward thinking from the simple terms, this is hilarious!...
I'm like many others, totally surprised by the ground swell of support for the first I thought it was a joke...and that has changed...not so...I know I know I know...there are you purists of the party system, that think he could never get elected...and if so, which I just said he couldn', you said he couldn't...that he'd get none of his ridiculous promises passed in Congress...
Hmmm...maybe, not so fast my he wants change...and there are those out there who believe...the lobbyists get taken down is a very attractive item...the blokes who run the country...can that happen?...not so, say you's way early...but not in the eyes of the Republican Brass...right?...stay tuned to this bat channel...
Fantasy...Football...well now...had the draft last eve...and Yahoo grades your efforts...really?...yup, shortly after the picks are in, the service sends out to you your grade...I got a B-...hey, that's quirk?...I drafted 3 QB's...ha of them, the embattled Tom I also have the top ranked Andrew Luck...and out of sentiment, my last pick was Marcus Mariota...I figure that Brady will not have to sit out...and that the trades will be coming my way as soon as the Fed Judge (that's right) says he can play the ENTIRE SEASON...I want a quality RB in exchange...
The oh so below average Pads...lost another sorry be fair...they have some injuries...I don't know why I spend so much pixel time watching the inevitable...I must have a screw loose...oh well, bye bye to the Rangers and hello to the Bums for a 4 spot...eegads, this will be awful...I vow not to watch...
Here's your celebrity hotline...quickies from the oh so important pretty people...well, beauty is in the eyes of the beholders...did I say that right?...anyway...the marginally talented boy wonder, the Biebs, sings a tearful song to his ex, Selena, who takes a potty break while he is sobbing thru it...gets a gig on a late nite talk show to explain why...he was crying like a baby...the pixel peops want to know...Rosie, fresh from being lambasted by the Donald...and from another exit from the View...and from separating from her now being linked with Tatum...really?...something seems so odd about that...I ordered my Kanye 2020 shirt already...BTW, their (theirs, right?) new baby to be, has to be called South...I have a 25% chance that the replacement of David Letterman will make it...Tori Spelling is suing Benihana for know, the place where they cook the food right in from of you...hmmm....Kermit and Miss Piggy are thru...
Finally...the Ducks host the Eastern Washington somethings...and to make matters worse, are using the former EW QB as their starter...awkward...well, now THIS is finally...the newly named coach of the mighty Michigan Wolverines, Jim Harbaugh, is taking his crew to Utah...tonight...who used to be the Redskins...and changed...what say you, NFL Washington?...BTW, Jimmy is a 5 1/2 point dog...
I'm ornery today...
BREAKING! I must be Karnak, the the Fed Judge disallowed the 4 game suspension of the New England Patriots QB, Tom Brady...OK, FF owners, I'm listening to your offers!