Monday Decaf

And it's brag I picked the winner in the PGA...Aussie Jason he withstood a challenge by the world's new numero uno, Jordan Spieth...won by 3...and is now a major hard to do so, so many of the other non-American victors, does he not live here now?...just asking...kind of snarky...

He dominated the course in Wisconsin...BTW, a beauty...not like the disastrous one from the PNW for the US Open...figure in the off season, that Jordan will try to find some extra length...the only flaw he was a great T...

Beisbol...when is a balk not a balk...after it is called...well...the boys in blue called it...allowed in the tying run in the Pads/Rockies finale...and then changed their collective minds...ah, the beauty of blue...

Are you into Madam Secretary yet?...reruns now...but it's well done...start now...and you'll thank me later...

I have never seen so many long shots get wins as at Del Mar...if you pick the right day (play on words), you could be counting up big bucks...that is, if you hit...

Your guy, the Donald...finally steps up and lays out his plan for one of his boasts...the illegal aliens...says his way is to deport ALL OF THEM!....there you go are ahead of Trump's plan...stop and search all the brown skinned peops..."do you have your papers?"...

180*...the Demos' Bernie Sanders, has a plan to combat the ever growing racism in the country...wonder why he has an increasing set of followers?...

Seems to me that this country has blokes that could send us back 50 years of diplomacy...and is downright scary...and some who are going about it the right figure who is who...

Big Brother...mindless, er brainless pixel the winners are equally so...

The Seventies...reviewed the music of that era...vast change...from the Beatles breakup to the Punk rockers...and the in between...some great, Linda Rondstat, CSNY, Fleetwood Mac, and the like...when you could actually hear the words and the meaning of the songs...some do now, not many...

You figure out the feud between Taylor, Katy, and Miley?...c'mon ladies, let's just all get along...somebody is jealous of the other...

The pundits say this...there is a changing of the guard in golf...the likes of Day, Spieth, and McIlroy...and then ALWAYS then mention's over, kids...

Now that David Letterman retired...CBS has been promoting his successor big time...Stephen Colbert...and I have to admit this...I have NEVER thought he is funny...eegads...

OK, I'm about 50-50 positive...I think...


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