Rare Earth

You may remember the Psychedelic Band, Rare Earth...known mostly for their hit "Get Ready"...kind of a staple for the time period...definitely a cool song...head on over to iTunes and check it out...

However, my main thing is the other reference to Rare Earth...the conglomerate of 17 metals that are found....in, yup, the earth...and what is the significance?...it's a very necessary element (play on words), in the construction of and the workings of lots of technology thingers....in particular, the cell phones!...and the mining of such, has been in the good old US of A...BUT... guess who is taking over in this process?...and it is a messy biz...and creates a smoggy situation...you got it, the maker of most of the phones, CHINA!...stay tuned to this issue, as it's going to increase in importance in the next year...you heard it here first...in the Horse blog...

Our air went south...like not good...and the humidity is getting to us...very short tempers...as the unit we have is on the blink...very lucky as we got a company coming out tomorrow to fix the bloody thing...I had to threaten our home warranty service...whatever it takes...

Talk about short circuit...the mighty Pads laid an egg last eve, too....got whomped 9-3...and poof!...there goes the 5 game streak...it's way hard to go much more than that...beisbol es a my difficult game...near impossible to get 5 different pitchers to throw well at the same time...er, 5 games in a row...

Talk about Daffy Duck...we got the Sonos System adjusted...well, sort of...as there is a new piece that has to be added to get the glorious Dolby 5.1 sound...we got that...it sounded way cool...problem arose, that we couldn't pair up the picture on the pixels...eegads...so, back to the drawing board...we'll get it, as it's a new thing...just a lot of frustrating things in one day...

Tonight we head back out to Humphreys for a Happy Together Concert...we are using Uber Andy for the route...and are attacking an alternative watering hole prior to the festivities...should be fun...

Some time today I have to get the Racing Form...start studying for the races tomorrow...maybe on hold, as the air conditioner blokes are to be stopping by in the afternoon...so, if M is busy, I have to hang here...it's OK, dudes, I could go on Friday...I am very, VERY flexible...in fact, I may attend Saturday...

Well, it appears that I am ready for the big reunion...got my hairs cut yesterday...and have my clothes all done and sparkling for the trip...my goatee is getting long and quite white...my hairdresser suggested painting it...naw, I'm going to be with all the other oldie but goodies...you know, it's unique that this injun can grow facial hair...

Did you see the cop's video of his take down of the gal in Texas?...there's lots of splainin to do...is it just me, or are the police blokes getting more and more out of line?...maybe, just maybe, there could be a racial overtone out there...still...

No matter what he does, the Donald increases in popularity in the Repub Race...as flippant as he gets, he just continues to climb...downright scary, if you ask me...and you are, right?...

Let's hope for a better day, today...


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