Oh, Come On!

Terrific Tom Brady...the centerpiece of the "Deflategate" cheating episode of the New England Pats...you know the story...the NFL upheld his 4 games suspension...and he now retorts " I did nothing wrong"...just to be sure, he destroyed his cellphone...hint, Hillary, you're too late to do the same...and...it didn't work for Tommy....
The deadline is a coming for the trades in MLB...curiously none have been made by the Pads...have til Friday...how did SD do in it's first at NY?...against the much maligned Mets?...were held hitless by a 22 yr old...for 6 innings...and when it was finally the time...down 2-0...got two hits in the 7th...runners on 1st and 3rd...no outs...and our prized number 3 and 4 hitters coming up...very expensive blokes, I might add...numero tres, Kemp, popped up to 2B...and our "clean up" Upton, hit into a double play...so much for clutch hitting...the boos and booze you heard and smelled was from way down here in the GQ...oh yea, got shut out again...I think that's 15 times this season...boos and booze!...
Watched a documentary on PBS last eve on the "bomb"...I had no idea...I sort of did...but the testing that we did with the big one, was off the charts in the 50's-60's...so did Russia...and the Kennedy/Kruschev stand off was so much bigger than I ever imagined...it would have destroyed the earth...you MUST see it!...it's that good and frightening at the same time...

The key word for today's drama on the Donald?...rape...and the swirling world of he said, she said, my former colleague said, and "you're fired!"...ah yes, he's YOUR guy...
I always make a list to check off when I travel...so much stuff in a small compartment...and I think I'm ready...have Facebooked the committee on the Reunion...sure seems like it's a lot to do, in a short amount of time...not being in the area anymore, has it's advantages and disadvantages...oh well, I am staying with a great bud...and we will tour the city and all...whatever "and all" means...
The NFL was here yesterday...met with the City's officials...got the report on the stadium...and guess who could care less?...yup, the Bolts...they are a goner, kids...mere formality for frustrations...finally, I am hearing people say what I have been for awhile...boycott the games...give the Charger's owners what they deserve...
The hot item today on the web net?...that the Taliban leader, Mullah Omar, is dead...has been for some time...it's not a good idea to be tagged as the new boss of the bad guys...
The killing of the lion by the American bloke...an absolute tragedy...and want more?...this guy has killed other animals for his "wall"...I can think of another piece to the puzzle that would fit....can't go there...
The Arizona Cards hired a female for a coaching job...what you think?...makes no diff to me...if you can teach, and the players buy in to it...so be it...BTW, you don't have to have played the game to figure it out...many of the good ones, studied it...and figured it out...it's all about what you project...next story...
You know, it's all about me...when you haven't seen people for a long time...you want to look your best...leave a lasting impression...the beauty of Facebook, is that you give them a peak at what you already do...and I have this goatee that seems to be whitish....throw out that I am dark skinned...oh well, it is what it is...I'll share pix...
I have to hit some balls today...have not played for over a week and a half...and last time out I was terrible...not just bad, but turrible...hey, I am supposed to have fun playing at golf...
So my doctor is leaving...to Arizona...wait, she doesn't know football, does she?...she is very sharp...anyway...I have written her a memo, and got nothing back...get my meds thru her...do I have to start all over again with her replacement?...now THAT scares me...
Hey, so there could be all the things that I have said above that just may be important...but many people are more interested in what Khloe K looks like in tights...
Only in America...