Monday Decaf

Let's put this up for all to witness...if all soccer games scored like the champ game in the World Cup, I'd a be watching all the time...congrats to a well deserving USA Ladies team!...a 5-2 solid winner over Japan...the start of the match was so spectacular...scoring four before you could get was one for the times...

Greece is in such monetary jeopardy that the Financial Minister resigned...duh...wait, MINISTER?...and the country is in disarray...wonder how it could get so bad...and puts all of Europe on affects all the world's stock dunno...but it does...of course, ours started down...the early news was that Japan's was down, too....always an indicator...

The pixels has this as shark week...and I have caught a few of the productions...hey hey, stay out of the seas, my's THEIR habitat...and they rule the west coast of the US, they seem to follow the seals...the east coast?...whatever they can sink their teeth into...and they have info that in the south, they are migrating up the fresh water rivers...eegads...

This just in...the fav for the British Open...went down...playing soccer with his buds...a busted ankle...Rory McIlroy...well now, that changes everything...somehow, I get the feeling that the young sensation Jordan Spieth, has a real chance for the 3rd leg of his Grand Slam...

We went shopping down at the Outlets at the Border...I think that's what it's called...on the divide of the US and Tijuana, kids....and it was so packed, it was near impossible to find a parking spot...very true...very much like other outlet malls..if you like Tommy was all 50% off...hard to pass on that...I kept looking at the license plates...50-50 Baja...actually saw an Oregon one...

Marsh has jury duty...and with her mind...well, you KNOW she'll get picked...

What do you do in your spare time?...if you are elderly like moi, I have a lot...some times I read...others, I play know that...and I also do jigsaw puzzles...lurve 'em...usually takes me 3 or 4 days...

Are you watching "True Detective"? HBO thinger...I kind of dig it...but you have to stay way moves around a bit...if your mind wanders at all, you will HATE it...c'mon, how can you dislike anything that Rachel is in?...

How long can the Brits keep up the undying love for their "Royal Family?"...seems so patently wrong to me...well shoot, that's what so many do with the US's...the Kardashians...and that's I right or am I right?...

The backlash of the departures of the blokes from the Blazers...articles about how LA was a very self centered guy and all...and the writers seem to be saying, good riddance...ha ha...whatever...he was one of their better guys...not a finisher...and not a rock...and he was very jealous of all the guards that he was teamed up with...Brandon Roy and the current one, Lillard...who WERE I've said before...I'd love to watch the practice sessions that he'll have with Pop in San Antonio...

The Pads continued the feeble hitting...and scored but one the 2nd loss at Saint Looey...2-2...I guess consider that a success...whoa...just seems like we should be scoring 5 a game...and we are not...and I have this gut thought....that we are going to move Justin Upton before too long...if so, package him with his bro...oops, I didn't say that, did I?...anyway, on to Pitt for some more medicine...not feeling the love...

It's been at least a week, that the morning is without sun...wake up to clouds...yet, humid...what?...


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