
Good morning kids!...after a nice night out at Humphrey's, watching the legend, Brian Wilson, and his band in concert...and yup, Bill Walton was in attendance!...and spending lots of time watching the pixels of the US Open...other things popped take...

Utter MLB has found that some blokes have broken the system to the "fan vote" for the starters in the one all-star game that has benefits to the winning side...ah yes...the victors get the home court advantage for the World Series...hmmm...crazy rule, says me...anyway...the Kansas City Royals have every one of their starters as the lead vote getters in the American League side...well, they found  a guy or group that beat the system...and stuffed the ballot box, so to speak...and the league dropped 60 million votes....what? what? think that doesn't happen in Idol?...or DWTS?...hmmm...simple fan, one vote...duh...

Brian Wilson...first of all...this guy is a musical genius...his songs are more melodic than anything written fact, his latest CD has some great stuff...which he played 2 of...BUT...he lacks the drive of the Mike Love version of the Beach Boys...who really gets you going...and you will GET UP AND DANCE!...the falsetto sounds are delivered from the original BB, Al Jardine's son...dang good...but doesn't have the full sound of Jeffrey Foskett...and Wilson himself...just sits behind his piano...and sung more than I can remember...his version of "God Only Knows" was worth the price of admission...originally sung by his bro, Carl...

The US Open...the cream an awful golf course...the players are reluctant to say it...some's a piece of crap...rising and falling up and down the land...and the "browns" are atrocious...awful splotches of grass ( I guess) that bump and bewilder...sure, it's the same for all...but shouldn't be used as one of the best for THE BEST...anyway, Jordan Spieth and Patrick Reed are at the top at 5 a compact field of blokes...halfway thru...

Every one of the news sources I look at use the Charleton Shooter as their headline...and it's a tale of tragedy and...being racially driven...sad to say, we are moving back into the early 60's frame of mind...where there is division of the races in this country...and this killer says just a church, for goodness sakes...what is going on?...brings me back to Marvin Gaye..."What's Going On?"...great song and you should give it a spin...

The much for a must win...lost...and that's 2 wheels gone...ample ops for a our cleanup hitter...Matt Kemp...didn't deliver with the bases loaded and the other with 2 on...hmmm...BTW, a very frustrating team to watch...and are 4th in our division...dare I say it...booo....

You kids have a great Saturday...


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