Cinco de Mayo

Is this diff than Quatro de Mayo?...I suppose so...hey all...waking up to cloudy skies...and a hope, er chance, of some of the wet stuff...for the rest of the week...I have never figured this place out for that...talking San Diego...for such a dry climate it is very green...

So your best player and only point guard on your team is OUT!...and you are playing one of the better ones in Houston...and your replacements make a gazillion turnovers...and yet, you stomp the home team Rockets...huge difference in the says me...a key in the defensive plays by Austin Rivers...the Clip Joint getting the W and changing the series already...reminder, it's the best of one never knows...

How about the Bulls beating the LeBron losing...not sure why...but, it is cool to see it...Dunleavy had a great start...and something I have said for a long time...who could ever think that Noah is MVP material...can't shoot, is a near TO every time he touches the about over hype...and Chi plays best when he is sitting on his rear...

Laying a big goose's the Pads versus MadBum...and the guy who could have changed that? know it...Gyorko...we get 2 hits to start off the 7th inning...and he promptly wastes the situation with yet another strike out...part blame goes to Buddy Ball for not bunting the sorry bloke...put the guys in scoring position...and take away the DP possibility...oh well, it's the way this guy has managed for 9 years...I know, I'm redundant...

Met Gala...did you see the gidups?...of course, 3 of the K Fam were included, even mama's the whose who of who is...and the gals who like to show most of their bods off, did so...ah yes...

The Players...PGA...have to pick out 5 that will figure in went with Rory, Spieth, Rose, Furyk, and DJ...good?...figure most everyone will pick the 1st 3...any love for Tiger or Lefty?...

Tampa Bay let out that their top 5 picks...and had Mariota as number 4 on their chart...there's a reason for them being as bad as they are...good luck with their choice...BUST!...ha ha...

Huckleberry Festival (Huckabee) he enters in the Prez race...there are rumors out that there will be at least a dozen repub possibles...what?...c'mon demos, let's see more choices, too...

Did you spend the $100 to see THE FIGHT?...there are those who are ticked...turns out that Manny had an injury prior to...have you ever heard the word "fix" in that sport?...hmmm...learned my lesson long ago on spending money to watch a pro bout...

Off I go to hit some balls...


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