
In this day and age of sports, all one says and does is in a think that you can go to Vegas and whatever happens there, stays there...not...NOT!...the advent of the cell phone cameras, is the "truth"...think back to the times before...the Sinatras and Kennedys...oh my, you could list many, I am sure...

If you are famous, for whatever reason, someone...yes...SOMEONE will film you...just ask the NHL boyfriend of the nasaly Erin Andrews...not only filmed, but arrested...some drug, incident...and we are not talking about paparazzi...just ordinary folk...recognizing and snapping...

The Pads had a laugher in their 1st game in Colorado...scored 9 in the 1st 2 innings...and off they went to a big W...this is the real deal, kids...of course, expect a one run game today...always happens after a big score, the day prior...always...

Golden St...again had to struggle against the Pelicans?...New Orleans...anyway...seems like I can't keep up with their nickname...but...the Warriors found a way to shoot them down...and that's what they do...shoot it...

We spent time organizing our cd's...and lo and behold, ran into some old video we had shot when the boy was young...and so were we...if you have young ones, make sure you take the is priceless...and had tears in my eyes watching it...also, had footage of when I coached a team to the coliseum...the crowd was a rocking...and a sold out house...way cool...great memories...

Talk about broken record...the Bolts...SD wants to keep 'em...the owners want to go...and Carson is making the process damn easy...or, so it seems...

Another bloke scaling the White House fence and running toward the Prez Mansion...we are in need of major changes in our security...

Sure appears that it is too easy to get into our country via the air...

The weather rumor...that there is rain on the way...big time needed...depends on who you listen to...whether it will or will not is gray out there right now...maybe...

Taped know who got the boot...and is right on...

I'll gander over to iTunes to see what's been released...

Where's my umbrella?...


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