Final 4

As the weekend draws near for the Final 4 in Indianapolis, INDIANA!...there are rumblings the people who find major flaws in the "Religious Freedom" that the state has passed, are balking about going there...for instance, UConn has given the no to the their hoops staff...stay away...

I know kids, this is a repetitive segment from yesterday...but we have masses who are still in the mode of bigotry...why?...where is this coming from?...can it only be from religious zealots?...that control the legislatives blokes and blokettes? this what we have really returned to? there a connection to Good Friday and Easter?...but how?...

I don't really want to go into the whole concept of is without a doubt, the most ambiguous debate one can have...for those who blindly say they believe, they find fault in those who doubt...and will castigate them...and bond together and lash out...BUT...this isn't about that, right?'s about people who are not like them...gays...who could feel the exact same way about the do the heterosexuals...which is really confusing to HORSE...

This issue will come to light this weekend...stay tuned...

The games...assuming that they play...pretty sure they are...are quite intriguing...we have Duke versus Mich St....and Kentucky versus Wisconsin...hmmm...listened to the pundits go off on know where I am...Duke and Kentucky in the finals...

Big City...

When you live in a city where you take mass transit, or cabs for many of your treks about...due to the lack of street parking...there has erupted an issue in ours...and probably in most BIG CITIES...other Uber or's my's cheaper...more dependable...and certainly, ON TIME!...

The Pads got beat by the Royals, again last eve...KC is a tuff team...and where we should be...I know, we take these games was on the pixels...and our staff were in la la land...laughing and eating ice cream...maybe a bit too lax...

Whiplash...probably the most disgusting flick I've seen for a long while...the lead character won the Oscar for being an started dark and got progressively darker...and the ending was putrid...but, I am being's worse than that...have you seen it?...

Facelift...OK...we live in a 35 story high rise...and the community wanted to improve upon the original the board (of course) allocated beaucoup $ for the deed...and we are in the process thereof...eegads, I hope it's better than what I am seeing...waste of money?...reserve judgment until the final product appears...

We took off to the beach yesterday for lunch...have a place to go that takes 10 minutes to get to...parking near the water is at a premium...especially now during spring our spot is where you valet your's free...shhh, don't tell anyone...oh yea, the food is great...had a mahi mahi sandwich...lordy, so great!...notice, I didn't say where this place is?...

The plane crash...seems so archaic the way the airlines deal with a pilot going to the potty...just make sure that somebody goes into the cockpit when the bloke leaves...and why aren't we having more sky marshals being used? would be a perfect fit...these things shouldn't happen...

Went to the eye doc yesterday...and the latest? least to the pix they take of your eyes...can see all the optic nerves...and much better than the straight stare in that the doc used to do...costs a bit...he said now it's $50...when he first used it, it cost $700...anyway, got new type of contacts...and they felt great....or better...monovision...I do more of putting in both distance eyes more comfy like that...

So tired of my white itches like off it goes for another 2 weeks...when I want it back...hell getting old...

I got a feeling that it just may be a great day for a happy hour in the know, to celebrate April Fools there mail for this one?... the bills today or tomorrow?....hmmm...


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