The Heat

Zona had a no match contest with the Ducks for the Pac 12 Champ...I really don't know what Oregon runs or their theory on the game...haven't for a couple of years...the Wildcats?...for sure...dictate tempo and defend you...real well...a number one seed?...should be, but the east coast bias will put Wisconsin in
Today the bracket is announced...I have no idea about most of it...I do know it will take a mighty huge effort for someone to knock off Kentucky...clearly, the best team in the least, regular season...
SDSU lost in a defensive struggle to Wyoming...the guys just can't shoot...which I have said all year long...too bad, cuz they do a lot of really good things...and could be a sleeper...if they get in...
The Pads sent me an intriguing offer on 4 seats right below the announcers...primo...and we, with the Mackles, are debating...totally depends on the price...I responded...nothing back's the deal...if we purchase...will put the games up for Stubhub of those we won't go out other investors...maybe split 4 ways...interested?...
The Bolts...listened to their spokesman and lawyer on the pixels yesterday...gosh, they are of the team major moves...and they are worse than they were...with many teams moving forward, standing pat is no bueno...
I have heard so many possibles where the Duck QB Mariota may land...the Bolts are even giving him a private workout...hmmm...
Scathing article on the Tar Heels...UNC...back a bit...where players were admitted but not eligible...duh...and were taking bogus's in surprises to me...about anywhere in the land...I think there is major cheating going on...probably at every single university...lot of money...lot of boosters...and you HAVE to win...NOW!...
There are thousands of peops on the beaches around, if you think this is the way SD is fuggit about it...this is way 20* spring breakers...
Get out and enjoy the sun...