Bizarre Bachelor

OK, kids, it's time for my trash I will talk about the show, The Bachelor...first of all, it's the worst I've seen for a while...really? far as I'm concerned...and his choices are dwindling...and he took them to his hometown in Iowa...a tiny lil place of 400...

The gals were aghast at the plight...of the city...most everything is closed down...and the glitz and glamour of Hollywood it is would take a special lady to want to give up LA, or big city life, and move there...

I'm not saying small town is's just so diff from what most of the gals that are on that show seem to want...his eventual pick (turn away, if you don't want to know), has to give up a passion and great job in Chi-town...really?...2ndly, he has a difficult time speaking...feel like I'm listening to Marlon Brando at times...

Lastly, it's supposed to be the launching pad for the jilted become the next Bachelorette...not sure which one it's to be...the two that got the boot last was a Playboy poser (really) and the other was not liked much...the rumor is that Andi Dorfman is going to be recycled...eegads...

OK...I have to talk about other more pertinent stuff to my brain...

Hit the links yesterday...liked the way I hit my irons...real close...88...didn't chip so well...but it's a coming...some promise...btw, I had a zero...what?...lost no balls...

Tonight is a big one for the GQ...SD's version of Mardi Gras...draws 40,000 crazies...we've done it before...and it is wild...we are heading that way for dinner with my older bro and his we'll see part of the mayhem...

The NBA AS game was a joke...and the hub of the game itself, so it's said is NYC...well, their beloved Knicks are getting a facelift...bought out a mainstay, Amare Stoudimire...and moves to the Mavs...

It's My Party...just a year ago or so, we had our pix with the legend...Lesley Gore...died at 68...lung cancer...amazing, as she looked great back then...

Boz is releasing a new the end of next month...2 of the songs are out now on iTunes...

Staying in music...we have Meghan Trainor tix for tomorrow the House of Blues...

Buzz...I repeat...Buzz...that't the word for the Pads...all over town...

Bolts be gone...that's what I'm feeling about the owners of the Chargers...seems like he wants to bolt to LA bad...he actually said that 25% of the buying crowd out at Qualcom is from up north...what? way...this town loves their team...but like many owners...they are jerks...oops, too bold...

SDSU moved back into the top no.'s a start...

Have a happy day...


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