Remember When

I can't believe how much cheaper it is to fill up the old gas tank...I always take a double look at the pump...and wonder if the mechanism is working right...we have a combo deal with the local grocery chain...Ralph' like yesterday, I used their card, and got 20 cents off a gallon...pretty cool, huh...
There's been growing sentiment towards this summer's 50 year class reunion...well, there is on Facebook...wait, 50 years?...can't be...I am still like young...hmmm...which brings me to today's topic...remember when?...
You'd get an actual piece of mail, with a stamp on it...nowadays, it's a note through the web net...and there are a whole gaggle of possible sites that just may be "yours"...
You'd open up your door and there would be a newspaper there in the many now, just pop on the net and get their news...or turn on the pixels...NOT the get the hard copy...
The print was actually done in YOUR town and would have YOUR local news as it happened...not a day late...we are blessed here with one of the best papers in the country...terrific sports section...
Your music was a vinyl...then an 8 track...then a cassette...then a, it's on an iPod...or streamed, or something like that...
You would get a cup of coffee for 25, if you go down to Starbucks, a cup of "Americano" costs you 10 times that...
Everything was closed on Sunday...everything...
You, or your friends, couldn't eat meat on Friday...
You paid for your goods with either cash (?) or a, if you don't have a debit card, you must be a crook on the loose...
Levis were $3.98...and the denim of choice...ha ha...
The VCR was a game changer...
Cars of any substance were made in the USA...ah...
Everyone had a land line, it's a ploy by the cable guys...and very few have one...
OK, you are getting my drift...times have changed...and yet, our method for casting a vote...HAS NOT!'s like the politicians don't trust the common, woman, too...
The Pats Billy B just doesn't know...has no's the query of the week...deflated balls...
Looking like a bike riding day...and the ride hasn't changed much...