
Prez O is an orator...probably with little match in this country since Prez Clinton...there was the call for unity...the more need for tax on that 1% of you that would never read this blog...more need for keeping businesses and jobs in this land, rather than in China...or thereabouts...praise for the returning and all soldiers...continued efforts to take care of all our citizens...
He did break in the latter part of the speech...as he got heckled...and he popped off that he did win the last 2 elections...hmmm...you only can take so much...and, of course, the Repubs, wouldn't or didn't clap if not so instructed by their fearless leader, the mighty well tanned, John Boehner...
And their response...well, was a newly elected gal from Iowa...and it was a puzzle to why and what her agenda actually was...of all the people they could have chosen...hmmm...
Well, it's probably their turn...and let's see what fine rep that they come up with...so far, not so promising...eegads, I am a Lefty!...
There you go, I shrunk an hour long speech into 5 paragraphs...
My other stuff...
50 year reunion...yup, it's true...that long ago I graduated from high school...a class of 952...back in the day...went to school from 7 am to 12:20...something like that...and now the peops are organizing the celebration thereof...lucky if 40% go...
Tom's got deflated balls...what?...guess it's true...as eleven of the 12 that the Pats were using, were just that...underinflated...is that even a word?...a tweak of the rules...again...by the highly acclaimed coach of NE...Billy B...you might say, he leaves no stone unturned...he'll get fined...and the team moves on to the big prize...
Some of you turned on my as I dissed the Bachelor...hey, he kisses them all...and you find that not weird?...some in the same hour...really?...can't imagine...
You know 50 years ago, the body of bodies may have been Marilyn...now, it has to be Miley...kidding...
One thing that rarely gets mentioned...gun control...it is rampant...and yet, some lobbyist has his stash of money everywhere...right?...even left...
I have settled on a Universal MX950 remote...with an RF base...what you say?...so I'll be able to switch everything not pointing at the magic eye...that sounds odd...I'll be able to not have to point...there, that's better...
You can't believe all the sugar in things...hidden element...as we are doing the less sugar routine...eegads, there goes my Starbuck's White Chocolate Mocha...damn...am back to the Americano...
Cheers!...but with no added sugars...