
As I am riding the rails back home to SD, I have come to the conclusion that Crazy Horse has to come to an end.  In name only...the same jibber jabber will continue...just its time for the name of the blog to mature...or evolve...something...thus, a new title.

I have a few in might have some too....send them my, in the new will happen...

Horse...with no name , is one...T Bone, another...Tee Bone, too...Hoarse, also...Gaslamp Sun...Gaslamp Hoof Prints...

What you think?...

By the way, how'd Johnny Football fare?....ha ha...and the Bolts are bolted to the turf....

Great trip seeing my boy and his girl...

PDX beat a starless Spur team....I'd want my money back on that one...

Merry Christmas!


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