Ask Google
One of the clear advantages to a smart phone is the access to the web net...and you can find out info rather fast...just Ask Google...I always wonder how these services get and stay funded...not my issue today...
I consider myself more of a realist than a theorist...the way I write is more of what I see happening, rather than what I HOPE does...and most are keen observations of being around so long...and my day to day take on the breaking stories that fill the pixels and the written word...and on the web net...
Peops have asked me why I don't write books...I have...actually finished one...and started like 6 or so's hard to do...keep going on a singular thought for 200 or so pages...I seem to get to the point too quickly...and then get bored with my "good" idea...thus, I do this blog gig...and I find it a ton of fun...have a goodly amount of readers...mostly the silent type...and I could care less about my diction...AND...I am a terrible typer...and it's near impossible to get it put into hard bound...
So I have a bee in my bonnet...what?...I have no head gear...anyway...what % of the US go to church?...I look around at all of our friends and I sense who goes and who doesn''s really none of my business...I am just curious...the national average is 20%...what?...some sources say it's more like 39%...but, according to the PEW RESOURCE's more like 20%...I'm not lying, that's the name for the organization...and varies from region to region...
I'm not going to get into why or why not...just another CH observation...that many of you have thoughts of why or why, what % of the politicians go?...and is there a particular religion more popular than it based on that?...too many questions and not enough real answers...
OK, I am off that's way too deep and dividing to drive that bus...
We got our rain...kind of a joke...being from the PNW, this is just a light sprinkle of the's crazy, as it's still 70* keep thinking that you should be bundled up...I finally just wore a shirt and dodged the wet drops...
What % of the US owns a computer?...according to PEW (see above), it's 84%...seems about right, don't you think? that many peops have it, and only 36% vote...doesn't it make sense to have the ability to vote online, and is the next thing to get going?...I mean, c'mon...
The 76ers won a game!...albeit against the other turrible team in the league...Minnesota...still, it's a win and off the schneid...I was watching the NBA channel...and they break away to games while they are chit chatting about...and went to that one...gosh, it is bad hoops...and I think I have to get the NBA package...PDX is never on down here...and I want to see the Blazers...
Can't understand how anyone can be a US citizen and choose to be in the middle east right now...if you are in the Army, I can SEE that...kind of...they don't like us...
The game...wait, THE GAME...Oregon versus Arizona...tomorrow eve...and the truth will emerge...just so nervous about it...way cool...
Some people get so passionate when it comes to hot topics...I mean...there are those who are so polarized into repub and democrat...that they get all worked up...happens all the time on Facebook...I get it...I KNOW where you are NOT going to convince me to go YOUR way...
Survivor...still one of the best on the pixels...last night it was a 2 hr show...tape it and watch's more like 15 minutes less...speaking of taping...when you do that to American Idol, it is more like 45 minutes less...there's THAT many commercials...really...
Due to the rain, you are advised to stay out of the ocean for 72 hours...ew...some nasty form of runoff...what? this normal?...up and down the coastline...we have had 2 inches of it...really?...didn't seem like it...
Well, you KNOW I got a Christmas sweater...and I WILL be wearing it to the Holiday Party this eve...and you KNOW I will be chastised...hey, TBone has a rep to preserve...
Walking in a winter wonderland...
BREAKING...the Holidays came a bit quicker for the Beavs of Oregon their coach, bolted, and took the job at Nebraska...what?...good for OSU...get themselves a go getter, and get into this era...and what on earth were the Huskers thinking?...
I consider myself more of a realist than a theorist...the way I write is more of what I see happening, rather than what I HOPE does...and most are keen observations of being around so long...and my day to day take on the breaking stories that fill the pixels and the written word...and on the web net...
Peops have asked me why I don't write books...I have...actually finished one...and started like 6 or so's hard to do...keep going on a singular thought for 200 or so pages...I seem to get to the point too quickly...and then get bored with my "good" idea...thus, I do this blog gig...and I find it a ton of fun...have a goodly amount of readers...mostly the silent type...and I could care less about my diction...AND...I am a terrible typer...and it's near impossible to get it put into hard bound...
So I have a bee in my bonnet...what?...I have no head gear...anyway...what % of the US go to church?...I look around at all of our friends and I sense who goes and who doesn''s really none of my business...I am just curious...the national average is 20%...what?...some sources say it's more like 39%...but, according to the PEW RESOURCE's more like 20%...I'm not lying, that's the name for the organization...and varies from region to region...
I'm not going to get into why or why not...just another CH observation...that many of you have thoughts of why or why, what % of the politicians go?...and is there a particular religion more popular than it based on that?...too many questions and not enough real answers...
OK, I am off that's way too deep and dividing to drive that bus...
We got our rain...kind of a joke...being from the PNW, this is just a light sprinkle of the's crazy, as it's still 70* keep thinking that you should be bundled up...I finally just wore a shirt and dodged the wet drops...
What % of the US owns a computer?...according to PEW (see above), it's 84%...seems about right, don't you think? that many peops have it, and only 36% vote...doesn't it make sense to have the ability to vote online, and is the next thing to get going?...I mean, c'mon...
The 76ers won a game!...albeit against the other turrible team in the league...Minnesota...still, it's a win and off the schneid...I was watching the NBA channel...and they break away to games while they are chit chatting about...and went to that one...gosh, it is bad hoops...and I think I have to get the NBA package...PDX is never on down here...and I want to see the Blazers...
Can't understand how anyone can be a US citizen and choose to be in the middle east right now...if you are in the Army, I can SEE that...kind of...they don't like us...
The game...wait, THE GAME...Oregon versus Arizona...tomorrow eve...and the truth will emerge...just so nervous about it...way cool...
Some people get so passionate when it comes to hot topics...I mean...there are those who are so polarized into repub and democrat...that they get all worked up...happens all the time on Facebook...I get it...I KNOW where you are NOT going to convince me to go YOUR way...
Survivor...still one of the best on the pixels...last night it was a 2 hr show...tape it and watch's more like 15 minutes less...speaking of taping...when you do that to American Idol, it is more like 45 minutes less...there's THAT many commercials...really...
Due to the rain, you are advised to stay out of the ocean for 72 hours...ew...some nasty form of runoff...what? this normal?...up and down the coastline...we have had 2 inches of it...really?...didn't seem like it...
Well, you KNOW I got a Christmas sweater...and I WILL be wearing it to the Holiday Party this eve...and you KNOW I will be chastised...hey, TBone has a rep to preserve...
Walking in a winter wonderland...
BREAKING...the Holidays came a bit quicker for the Beavs of Oregon their coach, bolted, and took the job at Nebraska...what?...good for OSU...get themselves a go getter, and get into this era...and what on earth were the Huskers thinking?...