Veteran's Day

And a big thank you from all of we honor the Vets on this day...throw out the party lines...throw out the reasons for being where they go...and serve...throw out the why's...just thank them for protecting the's a very tough job...I have told you prior, when the Pads do their Sunday games, honoring the is way cool...

Weird week for the there are more really bad teams in the league than I can remember...I mean, REALLY BAD!...da Bears, Jacksonville, NY (both teams), and Carolina...these are the worst, Jerry, the worst...afraid to say this...but the Bolts aren't much better...SD did beat the heck out of bye, and well, let's hope they healed a bunch and can get a much needed W...

Last night's game...showed the doubters, that Chip can coach ANYWHERE...and use pretty much any the much maligned former Jet, Mark Sanchez, looked awesome in THAT system in Philly...holy moly, as the Pack's Rodgers, threw 6 TD's in the 1st half...get that, FIRST HALF, against da Bears...the good get better...

The Ducks are the AP poll...tonight, the one that counts...the T one...let's hope that holds true...and do get a comparable vote...and have a bye this week...the rest is banged up in we all watch the SEC knock each other off...

And the Clip joint...they are the most over-rated team in the NBA...witness the debacle at the end of their SA game last night...confusion rang about...not the Spurs...and the obvious lack of closure by the Clippers...and SDSU grad, Leonard, was mahvelous...

The Congressional race down here is finally settled...where the incumbent Demo held on...the mail votes were the diff...had an interesting banter with my golfing buds over the concept of "the voting process" felt that is was your duty to get out and physically vote at a booth...and the other felt like me...let's use our technology and vote online...I say, make it an option...if you want to go stand in line...OK...if you want to log on and do it...OK...c'mon people...oh yea, one said that there must be a test to prove that one is intelligent enough to vote...ha ha...I'd lurve to see the exam....

Out at Sycuan they are reseeding the course (s)...and you can't drive the carts on the course...only on the trails off the course...and, of course, I was way off course...and would have to walk the course...a long way to where I banged me ball...and the course was the, alas, I will get my push cart ready...and walk the course on Wednesday...course, course, course...

You know, I didn't talk much about the train trip from here to truly is the drive through LA is many cars...and with the just sit in and let it do all the work...and the seats are adjustable...lay back and listen to tunes and watch the view...dang, the only way to go...not real cheap...for 1st class it's $53 each way...otherwise, $35...I guess, that's not too bad...

Some have called me mister I finally replaced my iPad...I had the 1st one out...and the only one that you can't get $ for when you turn it in...and it was constantly freezing up...or just would stop...voila...with the mini one...and it is way it at it is always connected to the web don't think of that when you shop at the Apple Store...had a $200 coupon for a discount...

Let's see, it's Nov 11...and we saw the 1st Xmas tree lit up in our building...dang, I like to be the 1st...not this time around...we construct ours during the TGiving know, there are some people that despise me using Xmas for Christmas...

Where on earth did Aryana Grande come from?....I mean, just one day she appeared...and now she is everywhere...and by all reports, is one diva...a big diva...ha ha...I wanna be a diva...wait, would that be a divo?...

Dang if some company isn't using "marshmallow world" in it's advertising...and can't get it out of my mini-mind...


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