This is like betting line crazy...the numero uno team in the nation, Mississippi St, is playing Alabama...kind of hidden at 5 or 6...and get this...The Tide is favored by 7!...what?...if you are the best in the land, does it not make sense you are the best where ever you play? let's say that 'Bama wins, and since UO has a bye...does that move the Ducks into the top spot?...
Unless you have been sleeping for 48 hours straight...or you have no access to the web net...or you automatically turn off anything by the K just may be aghast at the latest photos and or about the NYC based mag, Paper...ever heard of it?...right...let's just say it just may be the biggest arse ever...and in full view for the world to see...rumors abound that there may be some doctoring all sense of the word...ha ha...and there are people who let their feelings out on this...she has no shame...or no sense of discomfort of showing whatever she has...what you think?...
Why on earth is the NBA playing a regular season game in Mexico City? bad as the NFL doing the same in London...I don't get it...
OK, kids...I walked the entire 18 holes yesterday...and yup, I was out of gas on the 13th hole...first time in a year...or thereabouts...and I felt good in doing so...and I scored the same as when I rode the cart...ha ha...and that 19th hole beer went down real fast...
The award for the best pitchers in baseball, Cy Young Award, for each league...went to the Bum's Kershaw and the Cleveland's Kluber...both were on my fantasy did I not win it all?...2nd...had some underproducing hitters...ha ha...
Has the meaning of Xmas changed over the years? it not more a gift giving debacle, rather than the religious aspect?...well...this old boy says it's a combo...and there is no better feeling about the country than this time of the year...festive and full of color...and we want to get it started sooner and least the businesses do...
Stats...can be altered by whomever wants to...take the Cleve's Lebron James...who had a triple double the replay shows what really happened...and...the Lake Show's Kobe could say he just may be the best ever in the organization...but...he also has the unique distinction as the bloke who has missed more field goals than anyone else....EVER! ALL of the NBA!...longevity has a lot to do with this...
The Pads...with their new management...are trying to show the locals that they mean they have 30 days to sign a South Korean lefty...with loads of upside...I just wanted to use that phrase...will cost a lot of $...let's see how this plays out...
One of the golfing blokes I play with, has a kid playing FB for say that the team was upset with the wideout who dropped the ball prior to crossing the goal the Ducks picked it up and returned it 98 yards for the game changing TD...could be the play of the year...really...for UO...
Time for some grub...
Unless you have been sleeping for 48 hours straight...or you have no access to the web net...or you automatically turn off anything by the K just may be aghast at the latest photos and or about the NYC based mag, Paper...ever heard of it?...right...let's just say it just may be the biggest arse ever...and in full view for the world to see...rumors abound that there may be some doctoring all sense of the word...ha ha...and there are people who let their feelings out on this...she has no shame...or no sense of discomfort of showing whatever she has...what you think?...
Why on earth is the NBA playing a regular season game in Mexico City? bad as the NFL doing the same in London...I don't get it...
OK, kids...I walked the entire 18 holes yesterday...and yup, I was out of gas on the 13th hole...first time in a year...or thereabouts...and I felt good in doing so...and I scored the same as when I rode the cart...ha ha...and that 19th hole beer went down real fast...
The award for the best pitchers in baseball, Cy Young Award, for each league...went to the Bum's Kershaw and the Cleveland's Kluber...both were on my fantasy did I not win it all?...2nd...had some underproducing hitters...ha ha...
Has the meaning of Xmas changed over the years? it not more a gift giving debacle, rather than the religious aspect?...well...this old boy says it's a combo...and there is no better feeling about the country than this time of the year...festive and full of color...and we want to get it started sooner and least the businesses do...
Stats...can be altered by whomever wants to...take the Cleve's Lebron James...who had a triple double the replay shows what really happened...and...the Lake Show's Kobe could say he just may be the best ever in the organization...but...he also has the unique distinction as the bloke who has missed more field goals than anyone else....EVER! ALL of the NBA!...longevity has a lot to do with this...
The Pads...with their new management...are trying to show the locals that they mean they have 30 days to sign a South Korean lefty...with loads of upside...I just wanted to use that phrase...will cost a lot of $...let's see how this plays out...
One of the golfing blokes I play with, has a kid playing FB for say that the team was upset with the wideout who dropped the ball prior to crossing the goal the Ducks picked it up and returned it 98 yards for the game changing TD...could be the play of the year...really...for UO...
Time for some grub...