Talk about your celebration of the big win...the Repubs had this gathering in Nashville to honor the best in the music biz...well, now, CH is just a fooling you...Country Music Awards...and for the most part, it is the best hosted of all the award shows...what?...Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood...their 7th time?...and like most good hosts, make light of the current happenings...

The show itself, isn't that the singers sing...I don't think they lypsinc much, if at all...the outstanding group in all of music is Little Big Town...which did sing a song with the way over-hyped Miranda Lambert...and drowned her THEY really can...oh yea, Ms Lambert won most everything she is in...hmmm...just don't get it...

Kind of a got a feeling that most of them rich cats are from the south...and have elephants in their rooms...and are tickled that their party took over the senate...and yet, they still must thank their demo fans for their support...what?...I digress...

Anyway, it was a good one...and worth the 3 hours of the way, NOBODY is better than Carrie...NOBODY!...

The Clip joint traveled up to Oakland and took on the absolute GS is dang good...and with an even better coaching staff than last (which I liked, too)...are on a tear...they have so many shooters and even better, the freedom to shoot it...a top 4 team...LA is not...despite whatever you read from the supposed "experts"...believe Crazy Horse on this...

You did see that LeBron and the Cavs put in a strong effort in Utah...he scored like 30 something...and yet...they got beat at the buzzer...trouble in Cleveland...and we all like to see the dismantling of the best player in the game...I guess we do...more to this story...

With the football rankings out it is time for the pundits to weigh in...and the east coast blokes are P-d dare the group include a west coast must have a Big Ten team in there...still a month to go, and anything can happen...calm down boys, let it unfurl...and...if the Ducks run the table,,,they are says me...

I'm not going to lie to's great wearing shorts and flip flops all the time...whatever that means...and you do...

That congressional seat down here is still in doubt...they will not do a recount and it is a 500 vote difference...still counting the mail ins and absentee  ballots...

Did you know that the latest figure I saw was that only 46% of the peops voted?...I think that is high...there are only 3 states that vote by mail...we are not one of them...but we filled out a form to do's time to use our technology and make the vote an option...there are those who think that to stand in line and push out the little holes is the only way...balderdash...somebody has to take the reigns and get this done...I say in 6 years...should be in 2...get somebody on it NOW!...

I take the train to my son's play in a T...all good stuff...except I haven't swung a club in 2 weeks...and I am going to use whatever he has there...hmmm...oh well, it's a scramble...and with the way the guys are on our team hit their drives...I have to pitch and putt it...I CAN do that...

And that's the way it is...11/6/14....


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