Tatoo You

Morning kids, and it is way early...and I got something to get off me chest...a phenomena that is going around...that befuddles me...it's YOUR body and all...but the epidemic of TATOOS...now, I jest once in a while about getting a peace sign somewhere on mine...not sure where...

But the norm, is to get many...and big ones...all over your body...what?...and they are like permanent, right?...so if you etch on your girl's name...it's there like FOREVER!...you better be sure, right?...and this thing...this body art, is like a habit...can't have just one...keep going until there is little space left to cover...hmmm...

Is it a generational thing?...outside of the pain...as you age, doesn't it wither about...and like, grow?...gots to have many obscene pix in the not to distant future...oh well, not for me...and I hope YOU like yours, cuz it's there for eternity...

The stock market is taking a beating...and I am a few days away from calling our money guy Jon...and putting our $ in safe spots...real safe...is this going to be a rebound day?...so far, NO!...maybe it's time to buy some more property down here and rent...eegads, I don't like doing it...BUT...

D-1 Football....seems to me like there is not going to be a perfect season for any of the teams...maybe Marshall...and well, you know...Notre Dame and Florida St this weekend...something has to give...anyway, the Ducks moved back into the top10....and just keep plugging away...UDub next in the rainless Autzen Stadium...another must have...

Ebola...isn't there always a new scare in the medicine field?...like every year?...sure seems like it...amazing how the hospitals are ALWAYS unable to handle the mess...

We've already voted, so don't call me about who you want me to cast my ballot for...and I am so bored with the attack ads on the tele...

Speaking of that medium...DWTS is a joke now...the judges are pathetic...and yes, the cutesy Hough girl, this includes you...it's kind of run it's course...and the changes the producers have made to it, worsened it...so says me...

Bragging rights...my FF team has bolted to the top...my pick up of the RB from the Chargers propelled me...Oliver...who is an absolute stud...BUT...it's a long season, so don't get carried way, CH...

My golf game sucks...I hit so many worm burning drives, that I had my partners (er, opponent comedians) betting on how far I would hit the damn ball...always great to be a butt of all jokes...unfortunately, I deserved it...and well, Robin, to the bat cave, and figure out what's wrong...

Funniesh story out shopping at the grocery store on Sunday...prior to the Bolt's game...I was wearing my Olshanksy SD Jersey....number 99...former Duck...and this little gal came up to me and laid on her story about him a few years back...seems he was sent out to the store for promotional purposes by the team...and charmed the socks off of everyone...stayed way past the mandatory time...and they think he walks on water...Igor...thus, she had to have a pix with me and my jersey...way cool...

A day without a pix, article, tv spot, or a radio blurb about one of the K fam is unimaginable...that stuff keeps filling the airwaves...glory to them all...

Did you celebrate Columbus Day yesterday?...the lost soul who thought that he landed in the West Indies, thus...all of my forefathers and gulp...ME...have him to thank for being called Indians...OK, let's take a day off!...and have the gov't buy into it and not deliver the mail!...ah yes, the power of power.....

Mid October, and we are still playing beisbol...I know, Shink and Cliffy lurve it...but I find it bizarre...find a roof and play the games there...and is it just me, but are the umpires worse than ever?...what % of the challenged calls are right?...sorry boys, but their right is wrong...way too often...and the strike zone, don't get me going...

New music in itunes....none that catch me ears...dang...waiting on a new Little Big Town...next week...


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