
Texting while driving...are you a violator?...OMG, can't it wait?...I can't tell you how many times I still see it happen...really...every single time I get in the car...as school starts up and kiddies are all over the place, no better time to remind all of the dangers and permanency of the habit...

Glee had a tragic episode of this...and had great relevance...and I thought they did it perfectly...a couple of seasons back...

What is so amazing is the amount of fines for the act...which differs greatly from state to state...it's $165 here for the 1st one...in Orygun it's $500...in Alaska it's $10 grand and possible prison time...eegads...go east, and in Arizona, there is no ban...shock...

Some things about the new phone are way cool, this part of it...is not...put the bloody thing down while you drive, before you are involved in a bloody mess...and or, your pocket book is a bit lighter...

Did you know we still have an FBI?...the name emerged when some person or group hacked the infamous "cloud" on the phones...what is that anyway?...you can save your info to cloud...and then when you change phones, it is there...and then you can download your info to the new one...wait...anyhoo...the group got to the rich, famous, and pretty...and found some nude photos of them...voila...and now...that once very famous secret investigators, has gotten involved...

Is it a fine if you text while riding a bike?...

For all the sports drama a baseball team will put you through, cuz it's such a loooong season...the Pads have shown some form of positivity...and is it that we got rid of so much dead weight and replaced 'em with new blood?...yup...wonder what the management was thinking during the entire off season and spring training?...I digress...

SD won game number 1 versus the awful DBacks...their GM is our old one, Kevin Towers...who is not my fav...and trades blokes more than most guys do on Fantasy Teams...anyway, I am glad he is theirs...good luck...

Speaking of Fantasy...my football draft is tonight...so, no calls between 6 and 8 pm...ha ha...I get calls from Cris and Marsh...only...by the way, how many of you have land lines any more?...if you still live in a house...like for the past ten years +, you probably do...we don't...and it's a common selling point by Cox...trying to drum up biz for such a thing...they are trying to sell package deals...

Football...the NFL starts up this week...and the Bolts travel to Arizona...take your phone, boyz...joke...and get this...are dogs...what?...for all the info that is released, I think that we should be a 8+ fav...but them Vegas blokes...they seem to know...hmmm...the other game I have loads of interest in?...the Pack at the Hawks...

Once I draft my team, I end up following the "stars" I get...and will form new favs...and no one can prognosticate how the selections will go...which is way cool...drafting 6, I should get a QB or RB...of value...

The Ducks host the Spartans...this Saturday...can't think of a more important game for the U of O this early...and hold your temper, PNWers...most of the east coast scribes will have MSU as their upset pick...the line is for Orygun is giving 13 points thus far...watch it closely...

Finally, Carrie Underwood is expecting...she is 31...ah hem, see Cris and Leila, there is still time...whatever that means...


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