Have You Ever Wondered?
Morning kids...this isn't a rant against religion or the like...wait, there isn't anything like religion...geez, what's that mean?...anyway...if you are watching a football, baseball, soccer,...er, you are getting my drift...and when some bloke or blokette, hits a homer, or scores a TD, or knocks a goal in...they run off the field and point up to the sky...right?...so, I am guessing that they are thanking their God for it...right?...but...you don't see them do that when they strike out, or drop a pass, or miss a kick...so...they acknowledge only when something positive happens?...that doesn't seem right...does it?...imagine a player, dropping a pop up...and then pointing to the sky...
Or when the opposing football teams and coaches...have a prayer prior to the game...just who does God favor?...I mean, he (or she) must be split on emotions...so, it must be for the ability to play the game...can't be for the outcome...you know, I don't see golfers look to the sky when the make a big putt...are they not religious?...
Now I do know that when people win a music award, that they lead the entire award business, in thanking their lord, er God...you NEVER see that at the Emmys or the Oscars, right?...or how about a politician, after their victory in an election?...another never...does that make you wonder?...
The music industry coupled with the fashion industry last night, well, that's when they aired it...and had performances from a whole gaggle of types...and two of the acts emphasized butts...really...almost seemed like the same song...JLo did hers, and bared hers...and then Nicky Minaj, did her version...what?...where was KK, we could have had a battle royal...and then...of all things, a presenter, came out to a chorus of boos...promptly stripped down to his skivvies...none other than the embattled Biebs...what a piece...ever wonder what goes on in his mini-b?...
Apple unveiled it's new line of stuff yesterday...and the thing that caught my eye is the new iPhones...and doggone it, they gave us two choices...dang...both bigger than what they have had in the past...of course, I read and studied a lot about it....and am trying to figure out which one I am going to get...you faithful readers know I am ready for an upgrade...there are deals out there through your provider...and you also can get $ for your old phone...as long as it's not too old...I am leaning toward the biggest one...longer battery life...cuz it's bigger...hmmm...
Britney...the one and only...is on GMA right now...and has a new fashion line...lordy, the rich keep getting richer...I tell you one thing that is a truth...she has the whitest teeth of anyone I know...
Speaking of beauty...I have a hair cut in a bit...and am thinking I need to go platinum...for Maui...and relive the 1st time I did it...takes two sits...the initial was orange...then the last got it done...no kidding...bright orange!...maybe I shouldn't...
I bad mouth the Pads...then they come out and whip the Bums...it ceases to amaze me how the game of baseball changes from day to day...
Aw, ESPN...they have ranked the AP #2 team, the Duckies, as their numero uno power team in the nation...if you look at UO's schedule, they have a doable one...
The View...announced their new list of hostesses...have to admit, it's quite the cast of characters...are you OK with them?...can't see me watching the show...
The fallout of the Ray Rice incident, has put the NFL in display in a poor light...yet again...they have been dealing with the concussion issue...seems to me like this could be a combo...as, certainly, the gal who got knocked out, just may have one, too...makes you wonder...
Gotta get a going...
Or when the opposing football teams and coaches...have a prayer prior to the game...just who does God favor?...I mean, he (or she) must be split on emotions...so, it must be for the ability to play the game...can't be for the outcome...you know, I don't see golfers look to the sky when the make a big putt...are they not religious?...
Now I do know that when people win a music award, that they lead the entire award business, in thanking their lord, er God...you NEVER see that at the Emmys or the Oscars, right?...or how about a politician, after their victory in an election?...another never...does that make you wonder?...
The music industry coupled with the fashion industry last night, well, that's when they aired it...and had performances from a whole gaggle of types...and two of the acts emphasized butts...really...almost seemed like the same song...JLo did hers, and bared hers...and then Nicky Minaj, did her version...what?...where was KK, we could have had a battle royal...and then...of all things, a presenter, came out to a chorus of boos...promptly stripped down to his skivvies...none other than the embattled Biebs...what a piece...ever wonder what goes on in his mini-b?...
Apple unveiled it's new line of stuff yesterday...and the thing that caught my eye is the new iPhones...and doggone it, they gave us two choices...dang...both bigger than what they have had in the past...of course, I read and studied a lot about it....and am trying to figure out which one I am going to get...you faithful readers know I am ready for an upgrade...there are deals out there through your provider...and you also can get $ for your old phone...as long as it's not too old...I am leaning toward the biggest one...longer battery life...cuz it's bigger...hmmm...
Britney...the one and only...is on GMA right now...and has a new fashion line...lordy, the rich keep getting richer...I tell you one thing that is a truth...she has the whitest teeth of anyone I know...
Speaking of beauty...I have a hair cut in a bit...and am thinking I need to go platinum...for Maui...and relive the 1st time I did it...takes two sits...the initial was orange...then the last got it done...no kidding...bright orange!...maybe I shouldn't...
I bad mouth the Pads...then they come out and whip the Bums...it ceases to amaze me how the game of baseball changes from day to day...
Aw, ESPN...they have ranked the AP #2 team, the Duckies, as their numero uno power team in the nation...if you look at UO's schedule, they have a doable one...
The View...announced their new list of hostesses...have to admit, it's quite the cast of characters...are you OK with them?...can't see me watching the show...
The fallout of the Ray Rice incident, has put the NFL in display in a poor light...yet again...they have been dealing with the concussion issue...seems to me like this could be a combo...as, certainly, the gal who got knocked out, just may have one, too...makes you wonder...
Gotta get a going...