The Sixties

The 60's...
CNN and Co-Produced by Tom Hanks..."The Sixties" can this NOT be good?...a weekly series of that time in the very turbulent US of A...what? was love, peace, and happiness, right?...well now...

My teenage days...where we were blessed to have the wonderful orator for a Prez...JFK...and then the assassination...that changed the way the country viewed television...and depth of coverage of what REALLY is going on...

What has revved up my engine is the aftermath...when LBJ took over...and our insane involvement in the Vietnam we were evil our leaders of the country really many lives of our soldiers were needlessly lost due to pathetic politicians...

Which lead to a revolution of sorts...and the youth of the US rebelled...and joining in were most of the Americans....and rather than do the right thing...Johnson passed on the dilemma and quit...I remember that night so well....I was greatly elated....

You MUST take a look at it...meaning the TV is remarkably well done...

Michelle Wie persevered....and won her 1st was in dramatic she had her lead drop to 1...with 2 holes to go...Stacy Lewis came out of nowhere and posted a score of even...and then...Michelle birdied the 17th and had a 2 stroke cushion to finish the 18th...she is now...the BEST of the ladies...

World Cup...
No matter what you say...I just am NOT a big follower...I did watch the last 20 minutes or so...and the elation of the US victory was demolished with a last minute goal by the Portugal team...thus a tie...kissing my what?...go OT...get yourself a winner...

Not really sure what's going the owners fired the Prez and GM, Josh Byrnes...and this is going to save the season? thinks that there is a lot behind the scenes here...and the real need is much I have said before...over and over...and what did the team do?...another anemic hitting day and lost to the Bums...and the series...and off to get drilled yet again...and this team is in disarray...get this...we have a Cuban going for us Cashner is shelved...hmmm...the 1st move by the new GM conglomerate?...

Have to talk about this...Kevin Streelman won the event in Connecticut...birdieing the last 7 holes!...what? THAT'S called closing...

Starbucks has announced a significant jump in their prices...starting heard it here first...the coffee shortage is here...and will hit you in the pocket book...

Summer shows...
You have any that are intriguing you?...the new singing one on ABC?...the Bachelorette?...something odd there...where are you Big Brother?...I need some mindless, er brainless, summer viewing...

OK, there you go...have a great start to the week...


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