Take That Horse!

For OKC to go to LA and win...well, that just changes everything...and puts them in the driver's seat, don't you think?...and somehow...all the top 4 seeds emerge as the front runners....
PGA...the Players...do you watch any of this?...that island green on number 17...it's just a wedge, well for the pros, and these blokes hit it in the agua like you or me...and I am in the lead in my pool...the key?...either Justin Rose or Jim Furyk catches fire and threatens the lead...or both...and...woah be Lefty as he is floundering about...and has missed the cut again...still, it's a good T to watch...
OK C, if it's your bday and you can't stay upright, you OWE the group a round...I'm just saying...
Negative...some producers are really doing their job...as Hunter Hayes is the latest who's who in the country field...don't get it...as he is marginally talented as far as his voice is concerned...but...he is young and fills the need for those youngins ...
Received a ballot to vote on...eegads, there is NO negative ads on the tube...what?...how is that?...it's my cue that there is a referendum...wait...what's that mean?...M says vote demo on everything...I'm not like that...I pick the best pick regardless...of party...
Day 3 of the Mutha's Weekend...I am SO excited...it's a water cruise and then din din...at Nobu's...where we get to fill our gullets with raw fish...what say you?...
Went to the Museum at Balboa...and saw the Pirates Ship exhibit...and the big deal was the slave ships of that era, some 300 years ago...a travesty of mankind...one thing that was fascinating however...was what was recovered from the depths of the ocean...and to think...we still have the same thing going on in Nigeria...where all the girls were abducted and sold to slavery...have we not changed?...
Time to make MY crew some breakfast....