
Watched the final 4 last eve on Idol...and it's a one horse race kids...Caleb Johnson...first time I can remember that I thought the guy was the best...he is incredible...a rocker...that can sing it all...OK, you remember that I have said that this was the worst final 10...EVER...it was...but he is the exception...that good...the other possible...is the youngster, Jena...who is a distant second...loads of potential...and of course, I have no idea how the voters who vote, will vote...

Survivor...and this guy has the biggest domination since Boston Rob...Tony...hmmm....the cop who has the rest of the crew at his disposal...and manipulates 'em like they are human sticks...and it's even worse than that...he's the villain, and they think if they can get in the final 3...NOBODY will cast their ballot for the evil dick...ha ha...not this time...he is the clear front runner...

OMG!...the Pads sink to new depths in their latest smack down by the lowly (above SD) Royals of KC...shut 'em out...again...and the product is so bad...well...you can't fire all the players...so, a move in that direction is needed for management...sorry...Bud appears to be a great guy...but someone who will play more fundamental ball is needed...and a complete change is in order...6 years is enough...hmmm...

The Thunder (Soopersonics) did a number on the Clips...and salvaged one of the games at home...and off to LA it goes...fear that PDX will get clobbered again in SA...could care less about the east....

Our housekeep is coming here soon...so off we go...C and L arrive for Mom's day...nice...


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