Real Problems

Morning kids...sometimes, I step back and witness REAL PROBLEMS that arise, rather than the problematic stuff I throw at you in and around the field of sports...the mother nature thing...the tornados throughout the center of the US...the awesome, in a bad way, power of the cold and warm winds hitting together...absolutely terrifies does the lightning...beautiful, yet possibly devastating...witness the storm that hit in Arkansas...

The Pads...I must write something they were picked up by the return of CF Cam the years past I have thought that he was an, with the demise of most of the major league types on this team, he was a welcome sight to behold...and he produced!...couple that with an excellent outing by P Ian Kennedy SD had a fine day...and tied the series at 2-2 with the Nats...go figure...

As we were in debate about heading over to the Art Walk in Little Italy, we got a call to go off we went to the bay...and had a spectacular afternoon with the the winds were perfect...and it was a tee shirt (or less) day on the's quite the art to bob and weave though others who are doing the same...

I did not see any of the big Blazers win...and wow, it puts them up 3-1!...huge sweep at home...BUT...the news of the death of legendary coach Jack Ramsey was disheartening....89...he was the Champ PDX guy...and formed my way of coaching more than most anyone else...I even used his O way back a tape from one of his disciples, Larry Steele...back then that was huge...and studied and used the 2 guard set...back when an O was actually run...

The Clips...not sure where this is the owner has been outed in such a way, that I don't see any compromise...and could be the end of their run...rumors swirling about...that maybe Coach Doc Rivers may's a very ugly scene...would not surprise me to see the team itself, be's that bad...

Here's a deal in the high compared to owning a your we have had the Lexus don't just pull it out of the garage and wash it have to be more creative...pick it up this anxious to see if it is better than I used to do way back when...

Hey you, yes YOU, have a great week...


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