Stop the season...NOW!...the Padres are undefeated and ruling the west...OK, it's only one game...but we all have our moments...don't we?...of course, it took a rally in the 8th to getter done...who cares how...3-1...a typical score for this team...our new acquisition, Seth Smith hit a tater to start off it all...Cashner had a nice firster and there you go...take that you Bums...
Your final 4...Connecticut (who had this?), Kentucky (yea, right), Wisconsin (I had this), and Florida ( who EVERYONE had)...so the odds on fav is the Gators...or is that are?...so grammatically correct...
You watch the Vallero Open out of San Antonio?...these poor blokes kept falling off the charts...somebody had to win...and the Aussie Bowditch did so...the last 3 groups looked like mine...in so many bunkers...weird, I say...he finished with a 76!...and his others had 75's...ouch...
Amazing Race...a real fun episode...as my pick, The Big Brother Duo, hung on and continues...do you watch this?...lurve to look at all the countries they run through...
The Wine Tasting...was cool...all of the wineries were from the Santa Barbara area...and they were heavy on Pinot Noir...which I am an expert on, due to my former place of residence in Orygun...some real good ones...it was followed by a bar-b-q...where I did it again...chipped a tooth...man oh man...I see a trip to SB in my future...near future...and see my dentist son...
Anna Nordquist won the Aviara...geez, it was carried so late that I saw none of the finals...no Kerr time...and Paula and Michelle Wie tied at 5 under...hmmm...
DWTS...so many possibles...it really is a good show...despite the awful gal hostess...I digress...and slap me down, as I keep telling you the same thing over and over...
Humphrey's released their concert series...and on the list is the Beach Boys...must be the Love group...which we will go to...in October...really?...almost jacket weather then...
For all the hullabaloo about the Tonight Show...I don't watch it...I look at the guests listed...and frankly, I must be out of it...as I hardly know who they are...ha ha...I do like Jimmy, though...
So I go through all my news sites...and dang if I didn't see at least 3 major mentions to the parts of the K Fam...
It's just a normal day today...right?...the last of March...and nope...
No missing plane found...
Robin Roberts is a guest judge on DWTS...tonight...
iphone 6 in September is what I am hearing...
PDX beat Memphis in a must win for the Grizzles...cool...
Who is now 9th...ha ha ZBo...
Just what is a Jack Mormon?...
Can you be a Jack Catholic, too?...
I am abstaining from all booze for at least one day...
I golf tomorrow...so that's as far as I can promise...
Oops, I just heard we are having bar b q for lunch....
Scratch the abstaination....a word?...
Didn't I just pay the bills?...
You know, when you retire, everyday is spring break...
Why is it that I see better with glasses than contacts?...
What do you think was behind the lyrics of the song...
"If you want to be happy for the rest of your life...
Never make a pretty woman your wife?..."
I mean c'mon...
Must have been a divorce moment...
And YOU, yes YOU!...have a great last day...
Of March...
Your final 4...Connecticut (who had this?), Kentucky (yea, right), Wisconsin (I had this), and Florida ( who EVERYONE had)...so the odds on fav is the Gators...or is that are?...so grammatically correct...
You watch the Vallero Open out of San Antonio?...these poor blokes kept falling off the charts...somebody had to win...and the Aussie Bowditch did so...the last 3 groups looked like mine...in so many bunkers...weird, I say...he finished with a 76!...and his others had 75's...ouch...
Amazing Race...a real fun episode...as my pick, The Big Brother Duo, hung on and continues...do you watch this?...lurve to look at all the countries they run through...
The Wine Tasting...was cool...all of the wineries were from the Santa Barbara area...and they were heavy on Pinot Noir...which I am an expert on, due to my former place of residence in Orygun...some real good ones...it was followed by a bar-b-q...where I did it again...chipped a tooth...man oh man...I see a trip to SB in my future...near future...and see my dentist son...
Anna Nordquist won the Aviara...geez, it was carried so late that I saw none of the finals...no Kerr time...and Paula and Michelle Wie tied at 5 under...hmmm...
DWTS...so many possibles...it really is a good show...despite the awful gal hostess...I digress...and slap me down, as I keep telling you the same thing over and over...
Humphrey's released their concert series...and on the list is the Beach Boys...must be the Love group...which we will go to...in October...really?...almost jacket weather then...
For all the hullabaloo about the Tonight Show...I don't watch it...I look at the guests listed...and frankly, I must be out of it...as I hardly know who they are...ha ha...I do like Jimmy, though...
So I go through all my news sites...and dang if I didn't see at least 3 major mentions to the parts of the K Fam...
It's just a normal day today...right?...the last of March...and nope...
No missing plane found...
Robin Roberts is a guest judge on DWTS...tonight...
iphone 6 in September is what I am hearing...
PDX beat Memphis in a must win for the Grizzles...cool...
Who is now 9th...ha ha ZBo...
Just what is a Jack Mormon?...
Can you be a Jack Catholic, too?...
I am abstaining from all booze for at least one day...
I golf tomorrow...so that's as far as I can promise...
Oops, I just heard we are having bar b q for lunch....
Scratch the abstaination....a word?...
Didn't I just pay the bills?...
You know, when you retire, everyday is spring break...
Why is it that I see better with glasses than contacts?...
What do you think was behind the lyrics of the song...
"If you want to be happy for the rest of your life...
Never make a pretty woman your wife?..."
I mean c'mon...
Must have been a divorce moment...
And YOU, yes YOU!...have a great last day...
Of March...