
Does it ever seem like an odd day to you? there are so many PECULIAR happenings...and the sun and moon must be lining up just right...or, it is deja vu all over look at someone and just know you have seen him before...or sit at a golf bar, and swear that the Zielinski Bros are going to walk in the door...

The whereabouts of the missing jet plane...the longer this goes on...more and more theories pop the one where the say it went on for 4 hours....searching for something to destroy (aka 9-11)...and can't find a lick of evidence of any wreckage...

The insurmountable piles of photos, selfies, that the K fam produce on a daily basis...the incessant need to be seen...thus, be kept in the mind's eye...and somehow convert that into a living...and the news sources buy into they not have any shame? the way...why would anyone have butt implants?...why oh why?...

That a guy can shoot a 81-101-83 in 3 straight rounds...same guy...same sticks...same golf course...same type of weather...same 4 some...isn't that a bit odd to you?...

All golf course bars are the same...the ladies sip their tea and chatter profusely (and loudly) their salad and salmon...and the old farts...drink their beers and bourbon...complain about the ladies...discuss every shot...and tell countless dirty jokes...and talk about Obama...

The tourney before the the D-1 hoopsters have a league T prior to the big dance...somehow the Ducks and Beavers played each other (again)...and OSU is much as I bad mouth the Duckees, the other state school is way worse....I digress...the picks for this T will be extremely hard....have no idea...definitely NOT Wichita St...

To add to the free fall of the Blazers...your all star, Aldridge, went down with a bad often as I say he is not a closer...he does carry the load for a good part of the game...offensively...and watch is not inconceivable that they tumble all the way to number 8....even worse...check your numbers...

Juan Pablo...John Paul...coming off as the biggest jerk in the history of the Bachelor....I think he is one of, if not THE, dullest characters they have a picker...and that's why some of the ladies bailed out...he wasn't up to them mentally...hey, calm's just a bloody TV show...

By the way...out at the club...everyone is they rant endlessly about Prez I queried...who you got coming up?...Michelle Bachman? heard her latest about the gay people?...finally, I said that it's up to the Koch Bros...and get this...THEY AGREED!...

If you want to enjoy hoops must watch the Clips...they play with passion and desire...and can dunk like no other...and have improved so much on D...

Is the ploy of the Phil Jackson camp, to show big interest in the Knicks...and then get a major offer from the hapless Lake Show?...lordy, they need an overhaul...not that I want to see that...

And the stock market keeps on a churning...a little down and then a little up...who knows why...we have our stock guy here this will be my burning Q...then I'll write to you about the results...

Did you listen to Sara's new cd?...damn good....and she is a looker...I'm a telling you...shhh...the women don't want to hear that...Sara Evans...

Why don't the motion picture blokes produce comedies anymore? the infamous Pink Panther ones...Peter Sellers...on of my all time favs....


dws said…
I own the complete set of Pink Panther DVD's. I'm cool. Don't worry too much about your Rep. friends. Everyone's politics is based on their economic interests. People with money, no matter how they made it blame people without for for all problems. People without tend to blame people with no matter why they don't have. Now the exception is the dumb people who are poor and are convinced by Fox News that the government caused it.

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