Speaking of that...your boy, the Biebs, is in hot doo doo...VERY HOT! he is continuing his laughter at any semblance of law and order...much like your girl Miley...these laws and regulations don't apply to us rich and famous kids...hey, we are just kids...and we do things like...get arrested for a DUI...and then make a mockery of the system once again...this time in Miami...and the similarity to the release from jail to MJ's was kinda of sick...he is laughing at us all...and his parents, apparently, are a part of it you believe the media reports...eegads...think this is going away?...not until something tragic happens...and it will...
I am not one for playing in any golf it as a gesture for friendship to my fellow see, I am an extreme hack...and yet got agreed to be a fill in for the group...just so happens that I was needed as a warm body for the 1st two matches....and the bloke I was playing had a 10 hdcp....and me a 13....on a good day...and the last 3 weeks I have been more like a 18...really...but the hdcp system is so slow to change...and lordy, I have been posting my 92's like crazy...and gulp... higher ones too...I digress...let's just say this guy I am battling (?) is one over after 11 real golf...what?...and I am playing better than I have for a good long while...even par after 3 and down two I am hot, VERY HOT!...he is more like a 4...think about it...if he was giving me 9, I'd a been right there...oh well, if this is what I am known for...well....
You think I'm wrong about the Duck's hoops? they get whipped again...this time versus the Dawgs...just what is their scheme?...have no idea...and staying in the league...
Arizona just continues to roll along...their downfall?...lack of decent ft cautious if you are thinking them going all the way...
The Farmer's out at Torrey...they play the 1st two rounds at each course...then finish the event on the south....which is like 50 times, the pros get their low scores one day on the north and hold on like crazy the 2nd...or vice versa, if they started on the south...probably will not go out this year, cuz my boy is still rehabbing his his progress appears to be going well...
Just watched the ABC version of the Biebs arrest....reminds me so much of LiLo in her run ins with the how can anyone touch us?...they think it is all a big joke...they are above any and all laws...go figure...
Super Bowl Sunday?...maybe not...the league will move the date to match the good part of the weather....hope you who have tix have an extended stay at your NYC Hotel...
Watched the debate between the 2 blokes running for SD Mayor...egads, I think I voted for the wrong guy....
Have a super Friday!