Performance enhancing drugs...there are a whole gaggle of them out there...and there are ways of administering them...and there are ways to avoid being detected as being a user...and then the player gets caught...and in MLB, they deal with it...harshly...well, this has been going on now for some 5 to 8 years...the shame of it all...and the ordeal of it all...the ongoing superstar Alex Rodriguez, known as ARod, has had the biggest is the deal...the supplier sings...and the player is undressed...

So...ARod says he has tested like a dozen times and has never failed the drug test...of course, he is taught how to do so...and the supplier releases his data...about how, when, and where he did so to and for Arod...MLB buys it and bans the player for a year...ha ha...should be longer...

On 60 Minutes, the supplier tells all...and the reasoning is somewhat logical...the player says...the pitcher is using, the fielder is using, everyone is using...and so must stay on a level playing field...

Who knows...back in that sure seemed like there were a lot of big people playing the game...who knows what % were doing it...which made the latest baseball writer's vote on their "Hall of Fame" a very sticky situation...and the Floridian writer Dan Le Batard (sp) even gave his vote up to a fan based site...and then he lost his vote for a year...Wow!...he got banned...for life from voting for the H of F...

The solution?...have to keep trying to clean up the game...testing...and then...pass this agenda on the other pro sports...think the NFL is clean?...c'mon...

The Bolt's O Coordinator did get his own team...Ken now the boss of the Tennessee these blokes just get passed around...resurfacing everywhere in the league...there is so little innovation in the NFL that it makes the moves a joke...

You see where the Southwest Airlines jet landed in a airport, some 8 miles away from the intended one?...oh my...and the strip was somewhat shorter than the normal does this happen?...

Don't you dare say anything to and about young bloke did it to her at a doctor's office...she called her man, K...he arrived and allegedly, popped the kid in the face...what?...are we in the wild, wild, west?...

It's Marsh's birthday...and it's my birthday, too...oops, pardon to the Beatles...lordy she is working a full day...and I am out scouting the Chula Vista GC...oh well, rest assured, I will take care of her best I can...

Heat wave!...80*'s for the next four or five days...not inland, but here...eegads....that must mean big heat in CV...should be 82* today...a record?...

The watching Juan Pablo?...some very funny the gals try to find like one date...I guess that happens...and the melt downs...totally great TV trash...mindless drivel...

Twitter has a tweet from one of them H of BH...are you watching?...NO!...those gals are the most disgusting set of women on the tube...

You know, if I could hit the ball where I wanted...I'd be a heck of a golfer...that's not the's duplicating the proper swing that is my thing...the diff between someone good, I'll go out and map out CVGC...and have a plan...and then hope....and I do mean hope...I hit it close to where I want...ha ha...I need a caddie...

See you tomorrow...


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