I just don't get we have these ongoing political campaigns...this time in a run off for the Mayor in San Diego...the ugly part of the race is one of the blokes...uses a vehicle to paint an off color portrait of his always is some "prestigious club" that does it...that has some monetary backing that is near impossible to track...and fills the air waves and the print systems with their hatred....or, their version of the "other guy"...
You probably know very few of the "stars" of the Seahawk/49er game of the other day...right?...but you now know Richard Sherman...the player who went off on a post game rant in his interview with Erin's so curious that these blokes become so famous for the who gave a rat's arse about Miley until she went bizarre in one of the award's it the news sources that drive us?...
Big uproar around here about the Sierra Club...another of the mysterious influential things that seem to undermine an election or two...for some reason (who really cares?) there is a movement to suspend the SD Chapter...ha ha...good, slap 'em on the wrist...hard!...
You think that Chris Christie can get any deeper in doo doo? more opponents are surfacing...and his fellow blokes are in amazement....?...they are voicing their surprise and disgust for the reactions...which total way too many for a possible president says me...
And, my oh my, the east is getting hammered with the white much as a foot...or so...nice to live down here in sunny SD...let's see...the Super Bowl is but a couple of weeks Jersey....ah...
Speaking of the NFL game...the commish is debating about abolishing the Xtra point kick after a TD...what?...leave that fact, if you want to do something...follow the NCAA version....where the D could score on a miscue....I dunno...
The Farmer's starts up Thursday out at used to be a foregone conclusion if Tiger is in it, he wins it...well, he is his mystique still what it was?...this is a major test for the young lad....
Why do many of the names of the evil women of the world seem to get back to the "Black Widow?" there are many concerns of the safety of the Olympic athletes in the host country of Russia...and this gal purports to do some major damage....
Took the little woman out to Sycuan and worked on our games...and dang, she still hits it good...actually, she has a much better swing than moi....getting ready for our upcoming trip to Palm Springs...
Couldn't help it...I shaved off my 'stache....I know...but every time I paint it, it makes me look like I painted it....just let nature take over...I guess...
You can buy the entire 4th Season of Downton at the end of the month...which I will is THAT good...and then watch it at your own speed...
Can you believe less than 50% of the population votes in any election?...of course, in local communities...and much smaller ones....they have a higher then the lobbyists spend so much money on 'em? it a $ racket for them?...hmmm....
The NBA had a whole gaggle of games yesterday to honor MLK...hmmm....and the Heat are still in a down turn...go figure...I thought that PDX mailed in LA appeared intimidated by Dwight Howard....which is a major concern...toughen up big guy...and the Clips won...and the Lake Show got beat in OT...ha ha...lurve it...and yes, the Nets are playing way better....and the best team in the league just rolls on...the Pacers...
Have you seen Madonna lately?...maybe, just's time to dress a bit differently...or, really who cares?...
I hate to say this...well, maybe not...but if you win on the Bachelor, you really are losing...if you get my drift...
SDSU is now number 7 in the nation....what?...they play really good D...I know, I keep saying the same is so true...if you get a chance, you must watch 'em...and no, the kid Shepard, is NOT related...I would never name mine Winston...
You have to count the hanging chads, too...
You probably know very few of the "stars" of the Seahawk/49er game of the other day...right?...but you now know Richard Sherman...the player who went off on a post game rant in his interview with Erin's so curious that these blokes become so famous for the who gave a rat's arse about Miley until she went bizarre in one of the award's it the news sources that drive us?...
Big uproar around here about the Sierra Club...another of the mysterious influential things that seem to undermine an election or two...for some reason (who really cares?) there is a movement to suspend the SD Chapter...ha ha...good, slap 'em on the wrist...hard!...
You think that Chris Christie can get any deeper in doo doo? more opponents are surfacing...and his fellow blokes are in amazement....?...they are voicing their surprise and disgust for the reactions...which total way too many for a possible president says me...
And, my oh my, the east is getting hammered with the white much as a foot...or so...nice to live down here in sunny SD...let's see...the Super Bowl is but a couple of weeks Jersey....ah...
Speaking of the NFL game...the commish is debating about abolishing the Xtra point kick after a TD...what?...leave that fact, if you want to do something...follow the NCAA version....where the D could score on a miscue....I dunno...
The Farmer's starts up Thursday out at used to be a foregone conclusion if Tiger is in it, he wins it...well, he is his mystique still what it was?...this is a major test for the young lad....
Why do many of the names of the evil women of the world seem to get back to the "Black Widow?" there are many concerns of the safety of the Olympic athletes in the host country of Russia...and this gal purports to do some major damage....
Took the little woman out to Sycuan and worked on our games...and dang, she still hits it good...actually, she has a much better swing than moi....getting ready for our upcoming trip to Palm Springs...
Couldn't help it...I shaved off my 'stache....I know...but every time I paint it, it makes me look like I painted it....just let nature take over...I guess...
You can buy the entire 4th Season of Downton at the end of the month...which I will is THAT good...and then watch it at your own speed...
Can you believe less than 50% of the population votes in any election?...of course, in local communities...and much smaller ones....they have a higher then the lobbyists spend so much money on 'em? it a $ racket for them?...hmmm....
The NBA had a whole gaggle of games yesterday to honor MLK...hmmm....and the Heat are still in a down turn...go figure...I thought that PDX mailed in LA appeared intimidated by Dwight Howard....which is a major concern...toughen up big guy...and the Clips won...and the Lake Show got beat in OT...ha ha...lurve it...and yes, the Nets are playing way better....and the best team in the league just rolls on...the Pacers...
Have you seen Madonna lately?...maybe, just's time to dress a bit differently...or, really who cares?...
I hate to say this...well, maybe not...but if you win on the Bachelor, you really are losing...if you get my drift...
SDSU is now number 7 in the nation....what?...they play really good D...I know, I keep saying the same is so true...if you get a chance, you must watch 'em...and no, the kid Shepard, is NOT related...I would never name mine Winston...
You have to count the hanging chads, too...