There is nothing like a city alive with Charger Fever....I'm going to have to find my jersey...none other than the powder blue "99"...Igor's...ha it's old...when we 1st got here...and believe it or not...there are a number of pundits who actually pick SD...peaking at the right is possible...BUT...we have to be flawless...a tall order...I'm a hoping, but don't see it happening...we must control the ball and the clock...and basically, keep the legendary Peyton off the field...
Got both the games right yesterday...both in miserable weather...and the NE one, was what I thought, kind of a boring smash...
Hey, I finally broke 90 in '14!...ha ha...a gimmes...had it not been for a couple of 7's that ruined me, I could have been somebody...still...promise...and I putted real well...go figure...60 entrants and I was in the middle of the pack...duh...
Tonight is the Golden, not the unveiling of KK's new bikini...but the first edition of the possible award winners of this past year's to say, it's nice to see the beautiful peops parading around...tape it and watch it at your leisure displacing all the commercials...right?...
PDX in a nail biter over the the Rose Quarter...wait, the Moda they had a balance in scoring and methodically whipped the Green...who are streaking in a bad way...
Great fare prices for Alaska Maui...just booked our trip...have a companion fare tick and we are there for 6 bills total...round trip...dang good, kids...check it out, it just came out this am...
Did you happen to see the rip by the Clips over the Lake Show?...eegads, LA (purple ones) are a huge mess...and an embarrassment...and that team has turned for the worse under this much longer will it go on?...and there is NO HELP on the way...they have to make block buster trades...ha ha...
It's time for the 9ers...
Got both the games right yesterday...both in miserable weather...and the NE one, was what I thought, kind of a boring smash...
Hey, I finally broke 90 in '14!...ha ha...a gimmes...had it not been for a couple of 7's that ruined me, I could have been somebody...still...promise...and I putted real well...go figure...60 entrants and I was in the middle of the pack...duh...
Tonight is the Golden, not the unveiling of KK's new bikini...but the first edition of the possible award winners of this past year's to say, it's nice to see the beautiful peops parading around...tape it and watch it at your leisure displacing all the commercials...right?...
PDX in a nail biter over the the Rose Quarter...wait, the Moda they had a balance in scoring and methodically whipped the Green...who are streaking in a bad way...
Great fare prices for Alaska Maui...just booked our trip...have a companion fare tick and we are there for 6 bills total...round trip...dang good, kids...check it out, it just came out this am...
Did you happen to see the rip by the Clips over the Lake Show?...eegads, LA (purple ones) are a huge mess...and an embarrassment...and that team has turned for the worse under this much longer will it go on?...and there is NO HELP on the way...they have to make block buster trades...ha ha...
It's time for the 9ers...