
Speaking of suffering...losing two of three at home, Saint Looey, set itself up for a bridesmade finish...sorry, Cards, but it's true...there is no stopping the Bosox...and Big Papi is batting .733?...what?...unheard of numbers...put the trophy in Boston right now...
DWTS...don't know how the former Scientoligist gal stays in the running...nasty attitude...and generally dislikable...maybe not more so than Snooki, who got the boot...and the old fart Len, was in decent form for a change...
I did watch the tape of the Duck game...their D is certainly unheralded...I like it...and how the Bruin LB's didn't get hit with taunting, twice, I'll never know...good win...and now on to Palo Alto for the game of the year...week from Thursday...mark it down, kids...
I had my biggest game this year for my FF team...just so happens that my opponent had a humongous score...and the only team that I couldn't beat was this one...booo.....I am headed straight to the cellar...lordy...
Breeder's Cup this weekend...and there is a bloke in my building that is a bigger nut on this than me...and he is giving me the pp's...which are out this am...cool..."and away they go"...
So I went from blonde to au natural...and I see grey streaks in me hair...absolutely hate that...if I were a wurman, I could paint it...looking old, my friends, old...
Check out itunes this morning...Kelly Clarkson just released an Xmas CD...it is dang good...you can listen for free then, purchase it...I wouldn't steer you wrong...wait, it's Kelly Blackstone...
Have yourself a merry little Xmas...