Solheim Cup

Speaking of redundancy...the Pads lose their newly acquired P, Ian Kennedy, got hammered...and not that we didn't have many chances at scoring...but out RISP hitting is abysmal...too many things to talk about...I have to find a way to communicate better...
The I heard another side of the story...peops are starting to worry that Coach Chip's system may just work...what was all that laughter about?...hey, I'm talking the NFL's Philadelphia team...and, the other Phillie team...what on earth are they doing firing their manager Charlie?...they are inundated with injuries...very bad move...never can figure out MLB management moves...
So here's the deal...I want to invest some money in a stock...all by myself...and not sure which for the next two weeks I'm on a quest to find it...much like what Costanza did on all seems foreign to me...anyone out there have some advice?...or suggestions?...
KK and Katie in a verbal battle?...something about how Ms. Couric questioned the reason for the K fam being famous...ha ha...and KK took offense to answer given, just took offense...hey hey, its cause of the sex tape...and oh my, the family is so interesting...
Remember I had to replace my iphone 4S?...well...the new one works properly and all...but the battery life barely lasts a you have the same prob?...I am stuck with this one 'til February...and then I hope the new version has a better battery in it...oh well...
Some of you are aware that I have been battling something I didn't know I had...high blood am now on meds...not really sure how long it is supposed to bring the levels down...glad I found out what was wrong with me...I have been taking the pills for almost a week now...
Have to mention sure seems like LiLo has come out of her clinic in the right's all about being with the good people that will help her go the better is hard to do in that profession...
These gals can putt under pressure!...and oh my, that putting stance of Michele Wie...what?...
With the sale of our condo, I am debating the purchase of a new car...a hybrid they make such a thing?...will not give up our still seems like a new one...really...signed all the papers yesterday...
Less than a month to go before the college football season starts up...without a doubt my favorite time of the year for sports... the enthusiasm and innovation...second to none...I hate...wooah...hate the old school coaches...lurve the new minds...
Isn't it time to change the Progressive commercials?....they are getting way old...right?...
Have a great weekend!