
brilliant high school administrator booting some kids out for?...hey, it's always's not exactly like Rhianna doing the same...and naw, I am not picturing the likes of it all...
The winning streak of the Pads was stopped at is really a miserable set of I have brutally talked about it for the past, month...and I just don't get why Headley is batting 3rd or 4th...he is a .200 hitter, with very little power...this year...well, he had it for last half of last season...the only time he has had it...very peculiar...
The PED stuff that named like 20 something back on the table...and it appears that how MLB deals with it, is much differentl than a court of law does...and the type of litigation that is accepted makes the blokes eligible for the rest of this season...and if...and I mean if...they are found using the stuff, they will be suspended for next year...according to many reports...
Zimmerman trial...closing arguments today...and the prosecution brought to the court, a series of lesser charges that the jury may, should, or could address...which tells me, they don't have a strong enough case to get the 2nd degree murder...exactly...Zimmerman will be found not guilty of anything the prosecution brings's a 6 person jury...I don't know how that plays out...
Big Brother...people locked into a house for 3 months...turn ugly...say ugly things...treat each other in a very ugly way...and the amazing part of all this...they KNOW it's on live TV...and we watch the I do the same when I turn on the Pads and watch their usual demise...ugly...screaming at the TV turns me ugly, too...
It was super humid out at Sycaun yesterday...
Some sprinkles here...
The Mayor is getting heat in SD...alleged sexual stuff...
Eliz leaving the View...they need a conservative to take her place...
Here's my latest...getting the Racing Form on my iPad...
Easier to deal with than the paper...
Problem is writing on it...that's the stopper...
Where do I put my notes?...
The leak boy is still in hiding...the US of A will get him...
The Korean flight was a huge, colossal, set of lethal mistakes...
Where's some soothing music when I need it?...