One and One

You know the severity of the British Open...with all the blokes complaining on the course and just hit's what I was playing in Vegas...remember the replica of the best (worst) of all the Scotland's golf courses...where I said it was the toughest course I have ever played?...ah ha...I put one and one together and now...I get what the real golfers are saying...

As they slash and flail about...through 18 holes of near be the champ...and I fear that no one but the final winner will say it was worth it...the creme has risen and it's the likes of Tiger, Lefty, and put the name in as the other...and who will probably win it...there is no safe the blokes just punch their shots and hope it stops...

It is, however, great TV...and it is on right now...

Need I say that the Pads lost last night?....of course, it was a disaster...gave up 9 runs...and then made a
small rally in the 9th against a no namer...this is a sorry bunch...that needs a new facelift...amongst other things...

OK, the Prez made a comment about the Zimmerman situation...saying that "Treyvon could have been him."...well, he could have been Treyvon in that situation...which made me wonder, why he would say that?, I take another look at it...from another angle...the power of the gun...would Zimmerman have got out of his rig if he were not packing?...would this have been a non issue? the main thing here the fire arm?...think about it...

The best cheap eats are at the Panda Express...I'm not kidding...have you gone there?...

Flashback...this is the time of the summer, that the players were being tugged in many directions...all the coaches wanted their players to play for, basketball, baseball...high school kids...and I was the exception...I wanted them to take a month off...and then, get back into know, let the body, many of them played at least 2 different sports...

I posted a blog yesterday that went into outer space...have no idea where it went...I wrote it...I prefaced it...and I okayed it...and sent it...not sure where....weird...

Del Mar...I have yet to go...but have followed it every day...and actually started up a TVG account...and cashed, I must temper my enthusiasm...if you follow the sport, watch out for Peter Miller trained horses...plan on hitting the grounds next week...still feeling a bit punk...

The Network...bought the 1st season on Blu Ray...and we watched the first one...M is well done...I know season 2 has started up on HBO...not sure how we are going to handle this...are they dependent on the previous show?...or is each their own entity?...

Not sure how I would handle the know, if I were famous...ha ha...with every outside movement being photoed...but, I doubt that I would grab a pap and wrestle his camera out of his what Kim K's boy toy know, this kind of thing escalates...

So, I am tired of my blonde hair...and I want it out...ha ha...if I wait until the cycle happens, it could be another couple of months...too long...M says that she won't dye it is of a song?...

Been down to the GQ just a bit...and the Comic Con people are crazy...and a lot of know, what's the diff between the CC's and the Pads?...both are off a bit, yet one is paid...

Time to turn on the tube and watch the trials and tribulations of the best golfers in the world...


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