
So I am not like a Rex remember him?...but...I can have my own thoughts about what I see and hear...right?...Crazy Horse knows...and I promised you a review of the concert we went to last eve...

The venue...Sycuan...absolutely wonderful!...smallish setting...terrific sound...all cushy seats and what you would find in a theater...a whole gaggle of ushers and guiders...a bar inside for those in need of such a thing...and the rest rooms within walking distance...and you don't have to leave the theater to go...which all leads to a more subdued setting...

Sara has to be our 4th or 5th time seeing no, no stalking...however...I must say she may be the best looking 42 year old around...she came out in shorts...kind of a gamble...naw...she rocks...and her voice?...deep and downright dynamic...started the set with a non-stop belt of her earlier hits...she had an 8 piece band behind her...a good one...she finally got the mike and showed her personality...and sang some of her brand new, not yet released songs...all catchy and will put her on the map, again...eegads, an awful cliche....sorry about that...and the night continued...and got was her best that we had seen...

She is on tour...actually has one more tonight at the same place...and then goes up the coast...if you are in the area she is approaching, check out the listings and get CH...

Oh my, the Pads have won two in a row!...still in the unlikeliest of all, did the producing...Kotsay and Hundley...go figure...hey, they are big leaguers...right?'s about time I say...look at this...SD is still not favored...never, ever, bet on pro baseball...

You know when you wait to eat until 10 pm, your taste buds change...and we even contemplated the Buffet....passed and drove down the road...ended up at a TG Friday, which could pass for an Applebee's, right?...and the menu was way too expansive...should have had a burger and called it good...instead, got some icky chicken dish...blah...

So you following this bloke Weiner?...out of can you not?'s on all the channels...just a small matter about texting?...geez, I think he is way out there...and his wife just stands by her man...great tv, huh...well now, he's mayor material, right?...just like our's, the one and only Filner...

Have to get studying the racing form...


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