
I am not a fan of the NBA coaching...figure it's more of baby sitting very rich dudes...er, blokes...and much like baseball, more a managing job...what I'm getting to is the end of the Heat/Pacer game...where chaos rules...regardless of any level of hoopdom...unless...you come out of a time out...I'll set the scene...Indiana had just taken the lead on a 3 point set of free throws...2.2 sec left for Miami...and for some reason, the Pacer coach takes out his shot blocking center...which he did on another situation earlier...to match up speed wise...stupid...take your advantage and give it to them...then...allow the inbounds to go directly to LeBron...right then I would have hit him...if HE is going to beat me...it must be from the FT line...not on a driving lay up...as HE did...without the shot blocker on the floor to guard the hoop...bad...very bad...er, good for the Heat...

This Boston Bomber situation continues to grow...as it must...the FBI ran down a lead in Florida...and one of the Bomber buds was implicated in a killing a couple of years ago...and apparently...admitted to it...and then went for a kill on the FBI agent...stabbed him...and the agent then shot and killed him...the story grows...where is the rest of it with the Bomber's wife?...what else is happening with the younger bros?...geez, it was THE story not that long ago...

Oklahoma tornadoes...OMG...I say this...it's your community peops...rebuild your schools with underground safe areas...AT ALL COST!...living in the tornado alley...it will happen again...

Padres...I'd say the Burch Smith project should be put on hold for this year...he's had 3 turrible outings...not even getting out of the 2nd inning this time...get him back down before he is ruined forever...Tim Stauffer will get that spot...too bad, as it recked our momentum...now on the road...5 days until Grandal is back...but who's counting?...

OK, this Sergio/Tiger spat...too much...as Garcia dipped to reference of fried chicken as Wood's meal...his idea of humor...and it back-fired...and the public has turned on him...well...the public never liked Sergio much...he is an all time jerk...just ask Michael Wilbon...er, I think he called him a clown...

I alluded to a problem in England...a brazen attack of an army guy...slashed and beheaded in broad daylight...it's more of the stuff that needs to be addressed and dealt with severely...NOW...this is a huge topic...stay tuned...

Why is anyone interviewing Jodie Arias now?...OK, I get it...but they shouldn't be allowed to do so, during the penalty phase...especially since the jury isn't sequestered...or, are they?...it sure seems wrong to me...

Yup, I am blondish...not platinum...but like just off that...which Marsh likes...I have until mañana to decide to go full...


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